Poor album sales in US

IMHO the trend today tends to more toward bands like Hatebreed and Superjoint Ritual. I like some of it but do not go for all these singers that just scream into the mic, I heard the phrase "cookie monster lyrics" and it pretty much sums it up.

I am much more into the Anthrax "style" of music myself. Got some exposure to a couple of bands that were new on the last tour, Lacuna Coil opened in Detroit and I liked them, although they dont really speak any english they really seemed to get the message and music across. There was a band in Flint called Ratchetjaw, and they are local, but "live" they really brought it.

People will wake up, and the real bands will still be around.

....oh, and as I said, this is just MHO
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A lot of my friends are into, what we like to call "shit metal" I like a lot of it too, I don't know, there is something about music that is just noise that gets me goin.... Anyway, I also get made fun of a lot because I like a lot of the older music, I love thrash. So yeah, a lot of people don't get into the older music anymore because some of it is a little more clean sounding. I have gotten a lot of my friends into Anthrax, but they still make fun of me for getting into the older stuff.
I thought it was cool the week after Thrax played here in Louisville when I looked at the CD sales for our big indy music store Ear X Tacy and Thrax was sitting at number one sales for the week. Goes to show the impact of them playing live. Now if we could get the stations around here to play them on air.
Yeah, I don't know if its uncool to like metal but I'm 32 years old. Kids in school (not all but some) are more concerned with whats "cool". I'm sure theres a reason my 14 year old likes NOFX and AFI and doesn't like Anthrax but I don't know what it is.
Moshkinstein said:
I think the problem in america with low album sales is that metal still is "uncool" or "not hip" or whatever.

Am I totally lost?

Comments please!!
I remember hearing on the Headbanger's Ball this summer that metal album sales were up 250% so hopefully the tide has turned in the right direction.
5 years between albums does not help,also i think phillip anselmo summed it up best,u dont start a career with sanctuary u end it with them!!!

they have been hard done by but they have made alot of mistakes themselves.
Metal fans arent as loyal as the others are IMO. look what Metallica was doing in sales before the Load CD's came out & now look at what there selling? we get scared to spend our money cause of the last efforts your favorite band did & then you say, well ill download it to see if i like it or not. you only keep 3 songs from the whole cd & then you dont end up buying it. my friend is a rap fan & i hear him say the CD sucks but he doesnt hesitate to buy the next one since rappers make a CD a year it seems. there always coming out with something as to Metal musicians only put out something new every 2-3 years it seems. & with my rap buddy, i mention a song to him that i heard & tell him i didnt mind listening to it & he tells me its old & im like, dude it came out 2 years ago? thats what i see anyways from where im at
There are lots a things that contribute to metal bands of the 80's not selling as much. A lot of it has to do with marketing and lack of push from the record lable. Also record companies see them as old and they won't bring in the money like they used to. A lot of it has to do with the fans though as well. Back in the 80's a lot of metal fans were young, angry and looking for something to feed that and speed/thrash metal was one of those things. But since then a lot of fans have grown up and gotten older. They may have a wife and kids and a career and they now seem more important to them than their moshing days were. Thus, they just forget about what they did back in the day and don't really pay attention to the sceen anymore. That has a lot to do with low album sales for 80's metal acts.

In Anthrax's case the changing of their singer also played a factor. Fans identify a band with a certian sound and vocalists. In this case it was Joey Belladonna a lot of people saw as the voice of Anthrax. The same thing happened with Black Sabbath. Everyone identifies them with Ozzy and while that was their best stuff Sabbath also wrote good music with Dio and Tony Martin as their signers but fans didn't care. Anthrax is the same.While they're still writing very good music with John Bush and he is a better signer than Joey most fans see the 80's stuff as Anthrax's best material and they connect more with the old stuff. Taking long periods between albums doesn't help Anthrax stay fresh in the minds of metal fans either.

There are so many ways you can take as to the reasons why the sales suck but I think I've wrote enough for now.

Rock On!
You know as far as being in your thirties and listening to metal, I say to each thier own. I like plenty of other music, too. Metal is just my favorite. These guys I work with tease me about being 36 and 11/12's and still going to concerts, but most of them listen to country. I mean, can you get much more north of the Mason-Dixon, this is Motown for Ozzy's sake. I'd rather listen to Hall and Oates than that twangy shit.

Oh, and again, IMHO, the 80's stuff didn't all catch on 'cause a lot of it was shit. Winger, Poison, OMFG! Gimme a break. Take out GnR and Skid Row and ya just got a buncha glamour boys in tights.
Cincy Vigilante said:
Yeah, I don't know if its uncool to like metal but I'm 32 years old. Kids in school (not all but some) are more concerned with whats "cool". I'm sure theres a reason my 14 year old likes NOFX and AFI and doesn't like Anthrax but I don't know what it is.
would you rather look like a mix between Waynes World & Marlin M , or act like a cool skaterboy!!!
I'm old and some things have had their time. I don't like all the new bands I hear but I give them a shot. In the 80s we were given Anthrax, WASP etc. but if older people didn't give us a shot we would have been stuck with Zeppelin(not that their bad) but something new is cool too. I can't be a hypocrite I guess and what really sucks and this happened in the 80s and happens now is a good sounding thrash bands that fucking growl; give me a fucking break let me hear what your saying. And I will listen to Country but its like the bad 80s stuff Mikey mentioned now a days, way over crapified. Any way I need some coffee.
I can relate to the thirty-ish comments..I just turned thirty last year..:(. My son is 12 and while he loves the bands like Linken Park and the like to death, he loves the new Thrax cd also. He's also picking up some of my 80's metal as well but mostly because he's hearing it on the soundtracks of Grand Theft Auto..but hey whatever it takes...lol
I'm 32 and got my son listening to Anthrax. He's 13
Thank God, because it was just last year that he was into Pink! (his mother's fault)
Anyway he's really digging metal now.
Black Sabbath, AC/DC and Anthrax are his favorites.
MichiMikey said:
You know as far as being in your thirties and listening to metal, I say to each thier own. I like plenty of other music, too. Metal is just my favorite. These guys I work with tease me about being 36 and 11/12's and still going to concerts, but most of them listen to country. I mean, can you get much more north of the Mason-Dixon, this is Motown for Ozzy's sake.

Don't forget, it is also Detroit Rock City. When I lived there, the crowds were great. Tours would roll into town and play in front of bigger audiences than just about anywhere else on the tour. Detroit is a great town for metal shows. Milwaukee is not as good, although Scott did say we are the loudest crowd in the US, even if we are not as crazy as Chicago is.

I don't really agree with this "metal fans are not as loyal" thing. Ok, many of us (including myself) are guilty of complaining about certain songs or some vocals on an album. It's just music-geek talk to me. But when a band changes like Metallica did with "Load" I think it's great when fans of the old records say "Shit... no... this is not what I´m into, sorry" and walk away.

When I heard "Load" all I could think of was Corabi-era Mötley. So I spent my money on other things, does this mean I'm disloyal? Of course a band should be allowed to play what they want and if someone think all their new albums suck and this and that... START YOUR OWN BAND or try listening to another group, don't hang around and hope that time will reverse itself.

However, if a band wants to grow and develop so should the fans... how many havent bought AC/DC, Maiden, Metallica or G n R as their first hard rock/metal album and worshipped it until they found out about these other cool "unknow" groups. Metallica and G n R were those bands for me but I grew and now I mostly listen to death/thrash/grindcore. I love my old CDs and I listen to them once in a while but I'm not buying their new (and for me boring) stuff just so they won't have to get day-jobs or stop buying Ferraris. So when I read that bands think fans are "unloyal" it kinda pisses me off. I'm sorry but I'm not made of money and besides... I'm quite picky when it comes to buying CDs. So if James H (or put some artists name here) feel like he's short on cash maybe he could sell some of his fucking cowboyhats.
Hey LL,

I am glad your sons back on the right track. The other day I picked up my kids after work and had on news radio cuz of all the %$#@ing cold and snow. Well, my son went to the Durango and climbed in and as I was collecting his sister I could see him bopping his head. He had pulled out SOWN and put it in the player. He loves ONLY. He just turned five last Wednesday. (sniff...I'm so proud...)

Oh, and if you dont mind and your son is all thru, I'd like to get into Pink :Smug: !!
When you crank ATL and your son is 5 or 6 and he calls your friends out to Mosh by jumping on the bed your heart melts. And when he's 8 and living with his mom and she picks him up and he gives you the horns b4 leaving you're proud. Then when you get custody, like I did priceless(he's now 11). :)