Pop Punk

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Hey guys,

Had this pop punk band doing their album, just started mixing and decided to go into a natural approach instead of a super processed one, the only thing im disliking is the overheads but I didnt record the drums, I did record everything else though. There's still no vocals (still didnt record them) and I literally mixed for 20mins or so, so it's pretty static etc. But my reason for putting this up is for opinions on if I should go on this road or with a more "processed one".

On drums, kick is 30/70 real and sample, snare is about 80%real and 20% sample (its 4/5 samples of the original snare though), toms are real, lots of room ambiance etc... I think this approach will work, just wanted to know what you guys think of it.



Oh yeah, nothing on master so turn it up
Honestly those guitars sound more like Pelican than pop punk, which isn't what you should be aiming for.
They just don't hold up to any of the top rock mixes I referenced your mix too. Needs work on the source, doesn't sound like you can mix those guitars into shape.

Just go the processed route.
Really, it just sounds better. There's a reason why the top guys sample the drums to hell and back, and it's because it just gives them massive punch that helps drive the mix. Really listen to the Paramore stuff...........goddamn top notch references for anything rock really.
The drums, especially the snare, sounds absolutely huge in the last two albums. Hell, the whole thing just sounds huge really.
Obviously you probably wont achieve that level of mix, but use them as a benchmark if you don't already
Yeah dude I know, I always sample, I just thought going into a different direction here would benefit, because even though I love paramore's mixes, being a big bendeth and cla fan. I still dont think everything that has a distorted guitar in it should be even remotely compared, it's different styles, different songs, I never usually A/B because it will enforce me to slightly "copy" which in my opinion is a bad thing. I do agree with guitars, I can tailor them a bit better, may reamp them again actually, but I cant really see anything wrong with the drums, yeah, its not hitting like a 50ton hammer as in paramore like you mentioned, but that was all by choice.

thanks for the comment dude :)
I actually like it and am pretty sure it will work. You will need a singer that can actually sing in this case. The contrast between a natural sounding mix and tuned to death vocals probably won't work.
I think it sounds refreshing between all the synthetic sounding stuff nowadays. It may sound a bit dated but there are a lot of people who still love the sound of late 90's / early 00's pop punk.
Thats what I was aiming for, gtrs are a bit muffled though, but in my post I said that I mixed this in 20 mins!!! So its a rough rough rough -_-

I'm just sick of listening to so fucking clean and perfect mixes it just annoys me, so I opted to go into a polished but still natural approach which is what Im going to do