Pop song - first real go with slate drums


Jan 17, 2009
I recorded a few songs for an upcoming punk band in Australia, everything tracked in my home studio. Overheads NT5's, Kick, snare and toms replaced, bass di, guitars shure 57, vocals nt2-a. Still getting use to the slate samples, so hopefully it doesnt sound too replaced.

All opinions welcome

The song is called "When the Heart Stops"

can be heard at www.myspace.com/burningbrooklyn or www.myspace.com/tremorstudios
I realy like the song and the production. But I cant realy judge it because of the myspace player.
It would be cool if you could upload a higher qualitiy mp3 (with dropbox or something similar)

hey man,
yeh a higher quality on dropbox would be cool,

but from the myspace, i think its sounding preety good, 1 thing i would consider adjusting is maybe a tad more gain, i think during the tapping lead part, the rhythm breakdown sounds a tad undergained, but thats just my opinion
Thanks guys I will try and work out dropbox, and thanks for the comments of my band E.p will be on sale for $4 AUS at the end of the week.