pope question


metal maniac
Dec 10, 2004
the black lodge
just watched the news about the new pope and they say he likes cats so i'm just wondering if they make him a saint does this mean he is the patron of pussy ????? :tickled: :D
iron_maiden said:
just watched the news about the new pope and they say he likes cats so i'm just wondering if they make him a saint does this mean he is the patron of pussy ????? :tickled: :D

sorry mod pls dump this thread , thought i stopped in time to avoid this mistake my apologies
dutchy said:
some inside info on this clown!!!: he was a member ( they say forced) of the Hitler Jugend and Hitlers Army!!!

I don't know much but I would imagine there was no alternative for the guy.

Don't get me wrong, i don't agree with this guy bein picked, i really think he will create an even more negative picture of the Catholic church (if thats possible).
He's an Anthrax fan too! Cool man - I can't wait to hear Metal Thrashing Mad at my parents local church soon!
aliasp said:
He's an Anthrax fan too! Cool man - I can't wait to hear Metal Thrashing Mad at my parents local church soon!

Smoke up the pipe organ !!!!!!!!!!
My mum & dad would love it - they are hard moshers and little St Brigids church would never be the same.

Imagine this intro to Mass eh?
Father John `In the name of the Father. Son and Holy Ghost. MOSH IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Ahfurfuksek! said:
I don't know much but I would imagine there was no alternative for the guy.

Don't get me wrong, i don't agree with this guy bein picked, i really think he will create an even more negative picture of the Catholic church (if thats possible).

But he'll probably die soon - this Pope Reitzinger Yugdlonikufesin
I thought they would have picked someone a bit younger :Smug:
But then again Jagermeister and wurst makes you zehr strong!! :D
Patron of Pussy?

No...The new Pope is German......

So, that makes him a German Shepherd:loco:

*hits the snare and cymbal*
Thank you Thank I will be getting drunk at the bar all night long:kickass:
I'm not Catholic (not much on religion in general) so can someone explain to me why they pick a pope name instead of using their own name? Seems a little WWE-ish.

Yes, this is a blasphemous thread but what else would you expect from this group of derelicts? ;)
In the early church, most popes kept their own names, which accounts for such archaic appellations as Adeodatus, Formosus, Hyginus and Anastasius Bibliothecarius.

In the 20th century, three popes took the name Pius, one Benedict, one Paul, and one John.

In 1978, the newly elected patriarch of Venice, Albino Luciani, combined John and Paul to become the first John Paul in papal history. In deference to Luciani, who died after only 33 days in office, his successor became John Paul II.

Choosing a new name as pontiff did not become a tradition until 996, when Bruno, the first German pope, became known as Gregory V. Named after a pagan god, the 6th-century priest Mercury changed his name to John II upon becoming pope.