
Yeah, they were very lucky... I always considered them an underground band, but they were the only underground metal band I knew of that had regular video rotation on Headbanger's Ball. :o
Hahaha let me guess, was that CD "God Was Created"? :p

Well I believe the Christian groups have larger fish to fry if you know what I mean. I don't think they're after underground metal bands... I do think the whole Disney canceling metal gigs would bring some cool exposure to some of those bands, but I dunno.... That's a completely different thing. Hmmm... I heard about Vehemence from the guitarist, John Chavez, and we talked a lot. I can't imagine Mr. Chavez talked to tons of others as well?! But I suppose it's possible. :)
Speaking of John....what in the fuck happened to that guy? I met him at a Vehemence show in S.A. is '04 with Mortician, and he seemed cool. Next thing I know he's all scenester and shit with the emo garb and all. ???? The most dramatic change from a death metaller since Dave Vincents move to Genitorturers.

On topic....Vehemence are popular? No one I talk to really knows about them all that much, in spite of them being one of the most killer bands in death metal ever. Whatever recognition they have is due to touring, I think. And the Metal Blade deal didn't hurt....
Yeah I still cant believe john turned into that shit...That is probably the gayest transformation from genre to genre ever.