Pork Pie Little Squealer 5x12 snare samples

No problemo! I know generally everyone here uses fatter snares, as do I, but this was laying around in the live room and I decided to get a new head on it and sample it anyway.
006 No problemo! I know generally everyone here uses fatter snares, as do I, but this was laying around in the live room and I decided to get a new head on it and sample it anyway.

You can never have enough drum samples, thanks a lot!
Thanks for sharing! I think over the past years people have shared several gigabytes of samples on this forum, amazing!
I have another snare Jeff should be doing for me again as soon as it's done I'll be posting it, it's a 6x14 Yamaha metal shell snare.
cool samples man :D

Jeff, any chance you can post the proccessed wavs? because I dont have trigger :p