Porn Poll

Porn poll.

  • I watch and enjoy porn. Indeed I have quite a good stash.

    Votes: 39 69.6%
  • I don't watch porn. I believe it's moraly objectionable and perverted.

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • I got nothing against porn, but I don't watch it. It just doesn do it for me.

    Votes: 11 19.6%
  • Porn is fuckin pathetic. If you're horny, get a REAL LIFE partner, or one-night-stand.

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • I don't fuckin watch that sick stuff... Now get out and DON'T look under my matress.

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • I'm celibate and don't aprove of sex in any form.

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters
My favourite is "Dungeons of Desire"
I like soft porn best - the other stuff is a bit too raunchy and forced (i know, it's all fake, but at least soft porn doesn't have all the silly grunting and stuff).

I have satellite, so i get 6 channels of porno ALL THE TIME!!! WHOOOOOO!!!

Anyone have some favourite pornos?? Favourite storylines??
I have got nothing against pornography, but I just don't enjoy it. Oh, sure, I used to. But since I got a little older, and kinda got caught by my friend that was a girl when she came over unexpectedly... Well, I just kinda said... That's it, this is done. Threw all the stuff away. I had the hook-ups, until my brother moved out. But, oh well, the internet has lots of porn I've heard. But I still don't look at it, guess that girl kinda gave me the chills. But since she promised not to tell anyone unless she caught me doing it again, I figured stopping was a good idea.
I was practically raised on porn. I have a meager collection of 6 tapes and 1 dvd. My family is very liberal about porn, my dad had a stash the whole family knew about (and stole on a regular basis until we got older and started buying our own). My collection is small, 6 tapes and 1 dvd because only a few months ago I was able to gather the nerve to go out and buy MY kind of porn. :lol:
I'd like to invite a little more female perspective into this one.

I know that some girls are disgusted by porno, some don't let their boyfriends watch it and stuff. I'm intrigued what the reasons are for that?
The reason is because you're looking at another girl's body, and getting off on it. I stopped watching porn about 5 months ago. But since that little run-in with the girl. Well, I stopped. But now atleast a girl can trust me when I tell her I don't look at porn. Well, hopefully.
yeah, i understand that.

my view on it, is that if my boyfriend's gonna be getting off because of another girl - as long as he's JUST looking, i don't care.

even better, i watch it with him. it's not like he's the only one getting off :p

and you can get some pretty sweet ideas from pornos :)
Originally posted by Kittarin
I'd like to invite a little more female perspective into this one.

I know that some girls are disgusted by porno, some don't let their boyfriends watch it and stuff. I'm intrigued what the reasons are for that?

I know what you mean. My bro is dating this girl, and she won't let him look at ANYTHING sexual. Porn is a taboo, mags are forbidden. She won't even let him watch a Britney Spears concert. Bring up the topic and she flips out, getting WAY defensive and touchy. My bro told me that once she went through his stuff and yell at him when she found a mag. Another time she gave him the silent treatment when she found some nude pics in his internet cache (which by the way could have come from pop up ads or something).

One time I played a practical joke on her, and put a Sports Illustrated swimsuit video in her VCR. The two of them got into a huge shouting match and when they found out it was me I was banished from their apartment and they didn't speak to me for days.

I don't know why that little country bitch is so uptight about it and doesn't allow my bro to look at other girls. I think she just has self-esteem problems.
Yeah, I understand where you are coming from. I was just kidding with you by the way. I think that would definitely change my tv watching habits if a girl I liked caught me watching porn.

One time I was at a friend's house. My ex-girlfriend's best friend found a porn tape that belonged to the friend(who is gay btw). She started watching it, and instantly it was a bisexual porn with 2 guys and a girl. I will leave it at that. My ex-girlfriend thought it was disgusting while her best friend was getting into it and thought it was enjoyable. I was just laughing so hard because my ex was so disgusted by it. :lol:
Well, to add a little of that female perspective Kittarin mentioned...

I personally don't have anything against porn. Actually, my boyfriend is much more negative towards it than I am.
I personally still don't find porn very attractive, though. In that case I'm more of a hentai person (because that, at least, is not real people, and thus doesn't come off as redicilous as a lot of real porn).

I don't think I'd mind much if my boyfriend watched porn... at least I wouldn't mind once awhile. I might even watch it with him. If it became something regular and frequent, given my own nature I think it'd suddenly struck me, though, that there was something wrong with me.
Originally posted by tenebrose
Well, to add a little of that female perspective Kittarin mentioned...

I personally don't have anything against porn. Actually, my boyfriend is much more negative towards it than I am.
I personally still don't find porn very attractive, though. In that case I'm more of a hentai person (because that, at least, is not real people, and thus doesn't come off as redicilous as a lot of real porn).

I don't think I'd mind much if my boyfriend watched porn... at least I wouldn't mind once awhile. I might even watch it with him. If it became something regular and frequent, given my own nature I think it'd suddenly struck me, though, that there was something wrong with me.

Hentai rocks. It is a lot better than normal porn. I hate porn really.. just doen't do anything.. but hentai.. is.. just.. good...
I like porn :) I watched a HELLUVA lot though from ages 12-16 and now i am just sick of it (i'm 18 BTW). I will watch it still but more just as something to do. It's not like i see it and pop like 16 boners till suppertime like i used to :) In fact i rarely pop a chub anymore when i watch porn unless i am trying to. oh and my 2 favorite porns ever are Debbie Does Dishes (THIS is hilarious! A GUY DIES BECAUSE HE HAS SOME MASTURBATION MACHINE ATTACHED TO HIM AND HE JIZZES TOO MUCH! YES THAT IS THE CAUSE OF DEATH!! TOO MUCH JIZZING!) and Debbie Does Dallas... That one because at the end the old guy is dressed in a football uniform with his wang hanging out chasing debbie around the store with it flopping all over... CLASSIC!! I prefer funny porns over "real" porn as you may be able to tell... Funny is much better than being serious.

And Hentai i get a kick out of too hehe, i saw this one vid of a magical evil tree banging this chick with it's roots... i fell out of my chair lauging!
Originally posted by Oyo
/me waits for Lina to tell us about the latest STD's contracted by certain pornstars :lol:
:lol: I could...but I won't.

Yeah, I have a healthy (unhealthy? :rolleyes: ) collection of porn. I like the harder stuff too -- none of those plot lines and costumes and shit. I watch it for one reason, and it ain't the acting. And I fully realize the origins of my enjoyment of porn -- not the healthiest probably -- exposed to sex very early (didn't have sex early, just exposed to it very explicitly), etc. Have the constant need to ratchet up the hardcore level -- into realms that I would never actually want to engage in...only watch, apparently.

Kudos to you, Kittarin. I never understood those stupid girls who take it as a sign that they must not be satisfying their man if he watches porn. Masturbating and sex are two very different activities.

Belial, I don't know how your brother puts up with a girlfriend like that. Ugh, just imagine a lifetime of that neurotic whining.