Thank you

Stealer of Dreams said:
You're going to count down the days for the next three years, huh?

Umm SoD,,,would you care for a tour of the great state of Delaware?
Never mind that I've never been there...
Wolftribe said:
"tomato sauce"


ehehehe silly european

You be the ones who took the language and raped it, so the words sounded like they were spelt...avoiding any confusion for the consuming masses :)
dreaming neon darkspot said:
Russel - this place has to be more interesting than AP.

.... well, even if you don't find it to be, it's cool that you wandered over here, anyway.

Oh yes, I likes it here, I likes it a bunch. I was just saying good night to everyone last night, because as Final Product and Stealer can tell you, there was some strange shit going down - and yes, by shit I do mean feces.