Thank You


Sep 7, 2001
I would just like to thank all those who wished me a happy birthday, you guys are all awesome, even wishing a newer guy a happy birthday. Thanks, keep on :headbang:
I hate to be the one to tear down the fun, but I can't help but wonder why we even celebrate birthdays. They really don't mean anything. Maturity is a far more apt thing to celebrate, if anything of the sort should be celebrated at all. I suppose people just want a reason to have a party. Happy Birthday nonetheless.
someone's in his overanalytical, college-application-essay-writing mode. :lol: well, be sure to return all your presents next time your "useless existence day" rolls around. (just playing with you!) hey, i'm an athiest, but i still like christmas -- it's fun when everyone is in good spirits.
Happy Birthday to yoU, happy birthday to yoU! Happy birthday dear Soul4Razielll.....Happy birthday to YOUUUU!

TyrantOfFlames when I age I remember my mum giving birth! ouch!
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames
I hate to be the one to tear down the fun, but I can't help but wonder why we even celebrate birthdays. They really don't mean anything. Maturity is a far more apt thing to celebrate, if anything of the sort should be celebrated at all. I suppose people just want a reason to have a party. Happy Birthday nonetheless.

yep, i couldn't agree more, BUT when its my birthday it turns out to be an excuse to get loads of money and get totaly wasted:D , that sounds fun to me, so i just celebrate it:D
Originally posted by svenske kocken
I have noticed that you have a picture of Id. Cool! Id has to be one of the coolest characters in any videogame ever. And Xenogears has to be one of the best RPG:s ever.

Your the first to notice. That is my favorite game of all-time. I can't wait for Xenosaga.
Unfortunately I live with someone who can argue conTINUously about how holidays/birthdays in general are nothing but useless and societies way of getting people to spend money they don't have. Especially Christmas...::: sigh we go again.

I can stand back and understand everything the man's saying, but it's nice to have things like this to look forward to in life. Who doesn't like to look forward to things? Holiday, vacation time, concerts! No, we don't need them, it's just nice. Lina said already, it's just nice when everyone's in this great mood. Yeah, I know it's because of the holiday that everyone feels like that, but still. You don't want to give society your money, then don't!

I've been unsuccessful for 4 years so far. Just because he realizes things that most don't care about, he hates life for the entire holiday season. UGH!

OK, I'm ranting without explaining thoroughly. Sorry. :rolleyes:

"yeeAAAAHHHHH!!!" :heh:

I'm also one of those cynical bastards who thinks that birthdays, holidays, and xmas is complete bullshit. Not inherently so, I just really hate how society dictates our behaviour on such days.

I especially hate xmas. It's supposed to be about family and love and shit, but instead what do we do? We roam around the malls feeling the pressure to buy crap that other's don't need or want to appease the almighty consumption god. All this gift-giving obligation sucks ass and I want no part of it. What I hate even more is that people feel that obligation towards me, they run about the malls fretting about what to buy for me when in fact I do NOT want anything from anyone. The only thing that bugs me more than having to get gifts for others (when I really don't know what to get) is that others are getting gifts for me (a stress in their life they really don't need). IMO, xmas is for kids, adults should give to kids and not to each other and I don't think that kids should be encouraged to buy gifts for adults, there's just something perverse (to me) about getting a gift from a child, I really don't want that, and I don't want kids to feel that xmas pressure that adult have to endure. I think they should be shielded from that bullshit.

When my birthday comes around each year, I request of everyone I know to please not buy me anything. It works! People are generally pretty respectful of this little "quirk" of mine.

I realize that this kind of thing stimulates the economy and all, but at what cost? I think focusing on buying shit retracts from the true spirit and purpose of any kind of holiday. I have a pact with my friends, we do not buy each other shit out of obligation, so with them, unlike with family, that stress doesn't exist and we are free to enjoy our time together to it's full potential.


Yeah, I know. I hear it every Christmas and I know and I understand. Unlike the "hating that everyone’s happy because of a holiday" thing, the obligation people feel about giving gifts is way out of hand. For children the best route. I agree.

Every year for Christmas, my family members calls me up on the phone and outright ask me what I want for Christmas. WTF is that??? What's the point? When you're a child, you wake up and are surprised by all the goodies that await you under the tree. But now, why are you buying me anything? I definitely wont be surprised. Isn't that the best kind of gift? The kind you don't expect. "What do you want for Christmas?" How absurd! I wonder how many people I could explain this to in my family and they'd understand. They've been in this "gift giving rut" for their whole lives. I don't think they'd feel right NOT participating it. Then again, who knows. Maybe some feel the same exact way and would appreciate me bringing it up.

I could say, "If you MUST, make me some cookies/brownies." But it's still the same in a way. Then you've got the cards. <--another money making SCAM! Yeah, I said what. Fucking cards. Always someone else's words. You just sign your name at the bottom. I make my own cards when I think an occasion calls for one. For those who can't/don't know how, I feel bad for you. Cards are expensive. Like I'm supposed to buy a card because that means "I care enough to send the very best."
