Portnoy quits Dream Theater

I can't believe it. I'm not gutted, but I think I will be.

Amazing that they're going to go on without him. They must be very confident they can find a suitable replacement. Co-producer, co-writes every song... sheesh.

Very much looking forward to their next album now.
It's just insanity....
MP is DT pretty much. So much more than just the drummer.
He did everything from songwriting to setlists to overseeing fuckin everything...

Maybe it will be a good thing for DT and freshen them up? Doubt it.
Could this be the end of dream theater?
But yeah, I cannot believe that they just said "ok... see ya" instead of giving him a good year off or whatever.
Serisously..... DT's last few albums have not been as good as the golden era... a year or 2 off would have probably ignited the fires for when they next went into the studio.

Man... huge.
And I wonder if they had a big falling out?
I am very much anticipating what the other guys have to say... especially JP who founded the band with MP 25 years ago.
I always thought those 2 were like brothers....


Also, what if in say two years he wants to rejoin his band because the desire has returned. They really should just go with a hired gun for now methinks.

I can certainly understand him burning out though. The bands music would be so much more draining to write and perform than the average rock band.
Press Release from DT:

Press Release
To all of our loyal fans and friends: It is with
profound sadness -- regret -- we announce that Mike
Portnoy, our lifelong drummer and friend, has
decided to leave Dream Theater. Mike's stature in
the band has meant the world to all of us
professionally, musically, and personally over the
years. There is no dispute: Mike has been a major
force within this band.

While it is true that Mike is choosing to pursue other
ventures and challenges, we can assure you
that Dream Theater will continue to move forward
with the same intensity -- and in the same musical
tradition -- that you have all helped make so
successful, and which is truly gratifying to us.
Fans and friends: File this episode under "Black
Clouds and Silver Linings."As planned, we begin
recording our newest album in January 2010, and
we'll follow that with a full-on world tour. "The Spirit
Carries On."

All of us in Dream Theater wholeheartedly wish Mike
the best on his musical journey. We have had a long
and meaningful career together. It is our true hope
that he finds all he is looking for, and that he
achieves the happiness he deserves. He will be
Reading between the lines here and I could be way off....
But does anyone else think that MP dearly wanted to continue with A7X into the new year including the Aussie dates.
He went to DT and told them or asked for permission.... but they were like "Dude, we are recording a new album in January".
And he was like "yeah, but can't we just hold off for a while? I got some other shit going on and we have been working pretty hard for about 20 years".
And then DT were all "Yo bro, just because you have your fingers in 11 different pies doesnt mean we all do. DT is our career... you gots to choose... what's it gunna be boy, yes or no"
And then MP finally said "No wuz, peace out, I'm off to Australia"...

Seems as though there was some kinda internal fighting as much as that stings... Never thought I would see the day.

Also.... maybe the new DT album will have a greater contribution from the others now that the 'DT Formula' has been split.
More lyrics from James? More lyrics from Myung? Complete songs brought in from individual members? Rudess lyrics and backing vocals?
This reminds me of when Neal Morse left Spock's Beard. He pretty much WAS the band - wrote everything, etc. Mike obviously doesn't do all the writing but he was such a big part of everything that, like when Morse left, I just can't see things being the same.

This was two albums into a deal with Roadrunner, so maybe the band couldn't just split or take a break. I don't know all the details though, in case you didn't guess already.
Mike did a lot of everything. He pretty much was DT really... Like Hetfield and Metallica.... Akerfeldt and Opeth etc...

Wowsers. Still shocked.

Maybe a new producer for new album.

MP to join Avenged Sevenfold full time? That is so fuckin random.