Portnoy quits Dream Theater

I just realised I am Glad Mike got to finish his Booze Suite before he skipped out, good shit :rock:

On another note, I am sure the band will get someone with just as good a talent as I think MP had, but it is his presence the entire group will fail to replace
I watched a video interview with him earlier which was the last recorded interview while he was still in the band (will post the link when I get home), and he goes on about how since finishing that series he is pretty much done with lyric writing and was going to give JP full control anyway. Kinda odd.
Speculation is already going around about who will replace MP.... personally I'd love to see Thomas Lang do it (he's TOO good for the role, but I just want to see him get more mainstream attention)

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Holy fuck, he's more than slightly good! Why've I not heard of him before? That's the trouble with music - you can be insanely good at something, yet remain relatively unknown if you don't have a big break.
Obviously one talented dude, but that seemed more like a display of speed than anything else, and not as tech as a lot of MP stuff.

Yeah but that's all it is meant to be..... Lang is a jazz drummer primarily who got interested in metal drumming after he kept getting asked "can you blast" at his solo shows

There's hundreds of videos on youtube of him doing crazy tech stuff (ie polyrhythms between his hands and feet that will make your head spin)
Holy fuck, he's more than slightly good! Why've I not heard of him before? That's the trouble with music - you can be insanely good at something, yet remain relatively unknown if you don't have a big break.

He's mainly a soloist and session drummer. Although Marco Minneman (another jazz / tech soloist) recently toured with Necrophagist, so anything's possible these days
There is only one person who could possibly replace Mike.
The Dolph! :kickass:

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A few more:

Q: what will be the fate of ytsejam record? Is this the end of the official bootlegs for DT or any plans for running the similar thing?
JP: That should not be affected.

Q: Now, maybe this is a little too soon, but what are you going to be looking for in your new drummer? Is it likely he'll have a different style to Mike's, as to give DT a sort of new creative angle?
JP: A monster who can handle the technical, groove, metal and sensitive sides of our music.

Q: John, do you think this will give the other guys in the band more creative input? IE James writing more melodies, JM writing more lyrics.I guess to some outsiders it seems like Mike kind of held them back a little, just my observation.
JP: Everyone in DT contributes as much or as little as they choose.

Q: Are you going to try to get a drummer before you start writing/recording? Or write the record first and then bring someone in? Are you looking for a permanent member or a temporary member/revolving door type thing?
JP: To me it doesn't matter if someone is in place or not as far as composing is concerned.
We are not looking to do anything "interim" or "temporary"

Q: This is very early stages, but do you think that you may have to take on the responsibilty of being the sole producer for the next album?
Do you think that you and MP will work together in the future?
JP: I love producing but it could be nice to get a fresh perspective as well.
Not sure yet.
I would love to play with Mike again, of course.

Q: John, Do you prefer African or Domestic honeybees for a metronome? Rock on!
JP: Clover honey bees from Madagascar.

Q: Just curious, what music have you been into lately?
JP: My head is buried deep in my solo material!

Q: Aside from musical interaction, are you still going to be good friends with Mike? Like getting together to eat some barbacue and live rodents? I could not imagine separating from a friend you've had for 25 years. Hopefully it ended on good terms?
JP: Yes it did. Mike and I are friends.

Q: In regards to the future of Dream Theater, I am wondering if you and the rest of the band would be in support of John Myung contributing lyrics again. Though there is already so much to be excited about in regard to DT's future, I think everyone would be excited to hear something from the man who seldom spea
JP: Unsure about JM's lyrics. He hasn't expressed anything
First part of Portnoy's only interview after leaving the band:

Still listening, so haven't looked for the rest yet.
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Hmmmm. Mike sounds a bit bitter now...
There was a thread on Portnoys page about James Labries upcoming solo tour and it got taken down. Someone made a new thread asking what happened to the other thread and Mike was the first to respond:

I'm afraid your eyes are not playing tricks on you....

I was willing to ignore that the DT guys insisted all MP-related stuff be removed from DT.net....but then on Monday, reading the Blabbermouth headlines with James insensitively proclaiming they are "not sad at all" about my departure from DT, I cannot in happy standing "promote" his solo tour....

I am so sad it's come to this, but I am even more shocked and hurt by James' completely disrespectful quote......


I heard that whole interview with James in full (it was over an hour long) and he didnt sound disrespectful to Mike at all.... I think MP took it out of context
Didn't take long for the bad blood to start. Will be interesting if he puts his hand up to take part in a reunion gig later, considering how critical he was of KevMo declining to take part for the WDADU show. I know he's said he'd be willing to do it, but a lot can happen in a few years.
Now James has responded to Mike's comments:

"Hi Everyone,

It seems there is an misunderstanding. When I said I was not sad with Mike's departure, it unfortunately leaves plenty of room to misconstrue such words. No one can tell you or me how to think and feel. Initially with Mike's departure I was extremely upset, down and shocked. But one needs to deal and work through these emotions in order to arrive at a more positive and optimistic place. That is where I am now and was when the interview took place. Let me put it more plain and simple. Life does not afford us the luxury to wallow in our sorrow. You have to deal with the situation at hand and make it a productive and positive endeavor. In othe words, onward and upward. Mike made it perfectly clear why he chose the current path. I would much rather his words be the definitive answer. In the end does it really matter what our views are, other than human curiosity it doesn't change a thing. I have said my peace and believe there is no room for misinterpretation. I will give no further weight to this subject, all has been said.



Gotta say... I think James is handling himself better.
Can't help but think that Mike's bitter because he's coming off as being in the "wrong" for leaving. His reasons where justifiable enough but alot of people just see him as being a sell-out (mainly because he's playing for Avenged Sevenfold)