Portnoy quits Dream Theater

I think he had just cause and that the others are the jerks for not granting him a little time off, but I guess it could be seen the other way as well. Hmm.

I also thought he would obviously hook back up with them after their next album and tour cycle, but if the mud slinging continues...
I don't know why the band should be expected to wait until he's ready when he's the only one who wants a break. The band did the right thing in saying they wanted to go on without a break, and Mike did the right thing by saying, "Well, I can't do that" and leaving.
I think he owns enough of the bands goodwill to get some sway with the decision to take 12 months off, which is a fair request after a 20 year hard slog. I would say the same for JP as well, and probably James and even JM. I guess they saw it differently and outvoted him, hence the way things panned out, which seemed to be done amicably considering, but still, I side with MP on this one.
Wow.... Mike seems to be hurting a bit.
Some guy on his forum posted a very upfront message to Mike.... I think the 2 of them may know each other somehow.
This is the original message to Mike:


You have been an influence since my formative years as a drummer. You have bothered to come into House of Drumming and post an "open letter" basically saying "why don't you like me?" Between all that and the threads here lately getting deleted and the feud (which Randy Walker has explained a bit), don't you think that you AT LEAST owe an apology? How do you just press forward with deleting threads and pretending nothing happened? Do you really think you are in the right here? If all this continues, I would have to rethink my association with anyone like you. Sorry, but between your thing at The Drum Pad and what they have done for you and you treating people like garbage lately, something's gotta give! Please take a higher road and don't come off so childish and immature and bitter! I don't care if I get banned for saying all this, but you can't justify acting irrationally while saying "this is my site, I say what I want" thing. I have never seen so many people in complete disagreement with something you have said before. Maybe it's a sign to sit back, unplug that internet connection and really think about where you are as a person. Best wishes. I hope you don't see this as me bashing you on any level. It's the honest assessment of what's been happening lately. I know you said that you hoped it wouldn't turn ugly. YOU started it. Not anyone else's fault that the DT guys feel a sense of liberation from your controlling ways. Constant Motion, right? They can't win an argument... cause you always win. They should know it. Right? Keep the private matters private. Best of luck.

And this is Mikes response:

Well this is just absolutely insane...

I have no idea what I said to insult everybody and how I ended up the bad guy here, but all this is EXACTLY why I am declining interview requests at the moment and why this is going to be my last post for a while...

I was totally dreading being misinterepreted, misunderstood and misrepresented...

I am really hurting badly over this....and this surely is not helping....


You have been an influence since my formative years as a drummer. You have bothered to come into House of Drumming and post an "open letter" basically saying "why don't you like me?"

That was many years ago....why bring that up now?????

Between all that and the threads here lately getting deleted and the feud (which Randy Walker has explained a bit), don't you think that you AT LEAST owe an apology?

I dont know who I owe an apology to, but if you feel I owe you or the fan's one, I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way....

How do you just press forward with deleting threads and pretending nothing happened?

Well actually, that's how alot of this started.....I DIDN'T "press foward with deleting threads and pretend nothing happened" (although now I kinda wished I did....)
I posted my reason why, and perhaps THAT was a mistake....but I thought I owed it to you guys to explain why the threads disappeared..

Do you really think you are in the right here?

Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong...I've always been very open, honest, genuine and don't beat around the bush or pull punches....

I was hurt that I was removed from the DT site and I was hurt by the "not sad at all" headline I read on Blabbermouth...(granted, I didnt hear the whole interview and was just shocked by the out of context headline...)

So for being duped by the media and speaking out on it, for that I am sorry as well...

If all this continues, I would have to rethink my association with anyone like you. Sorry, but between your thing at The Drum Pad and what they have done for you

I honestly have NO IDEA what you are referring to.....I have always had a GREAT relationship with them and am still great friends with Victor Salazar...if there is some bad blood happening there, I am completely oblivious to it...

and you treating people like garbage lately, something's gotta give!

I honestly have no idea how I am "treating people like garbage lately" either?????
I have tried to be as respectful, delicate and sensitive as possible....

If anything, I have been the one taking a beating left, right & center...my facebook, twitter and other websites have been completely taken over by angry fans (f*ck A7X, f*ck you, etc etc)...people who have obviously not read my reasons and simply on the attack....

You have NO IDEA how hard it is to watch thousands upon thousand of these posts....when I have given my heart and soul to these "fans" for all these years...and I am more hurt than they are right now....yet still, I bite my lip and try my best to continue to be as respectful, delicate and sensitive as possible....

(I'm treating THEM like garbage lately????? I'm still baffled...)

Please take a higher road and don't come off so childish and immature and bitter! I don't care if I get banned for saying all this, but you can't justify acting irrationally while saying "this is my site, I say what I want" thing. I have never seen so many people in complete disagreement with something you have said before. Maybe it's a sign to sit back, unplug that internet connection and really think about where you are as a person. Best wishes.

I will indeed do this.....Marlene and I have talked about this and I promised I was going to not read this stuff anymore and let it upset me....or chime in and post anymore either (she's probably gonna kill me for posting this!), but rather than NOT responding to this "open letter" and be perceived as somehow being "immature, bitter or childish", I decided to bite the bullet one last time, respond and properly sign off before disappearing...

I hope you don't see this as me bashing you on any level. It's the honest assessment of what's been happening lately. I know you said that you hoped it wouldn't turn ugly. YOU started it.

I'm still not sure how *I* started it????
My reaction yesterday was just that....a *RE*action to an action (or two for that matter....even if one was "out of context")
That's not "starting"....that's "reacting"...

Not anyone else's fault that the DT guys feel a sense of liberation from your controlling ways. Constant Motion, right? They can't win an argument... cause you always win. They should know it. Right?

Hey...this coming only a few sentences after saying you're not "bashing me on any level and an honest assessment of what's been happening lately"....
C'mon, that was a total cheap shot at me and not very nice at all...

Keep the private matters private. Best of luck.

I do agree there as well....and it's probably nobody's business, but after reading that Blabbermouth headline, I emailed all 4 guys and none of them ever responded....
(and they still havent...)
I would've loved to have kept it private and hoped they would've responded when I reached out to them all, but they never did.....but then again, that's between us, so that's the last I will comment on that...

So being James never responded to me personally and chose to do it "publically", I'd like to publically apologize to him for apparently misunderstanding his quote out of context and deleting those threads...

(although I still cant understand why it's OK for DT.net to delete MP stuff, but not vise-versa....but it's OK....it's also the last I will comment on that as well!)

And on that note, it is time for me to retire from posting for a while....

Contrary to what many people are thinking and saying (both here on my beloved Forum or other places where I am somehow now "the bad guy"), I am indeed hurting over all of this.....contrary to yesterday's Blabbermouth headline, *I* am indeed VERY sad over all of this....

These additional posts have already gone way too far (whether sensationalized by the media or simply read by the fans) and I need the 3 stickied threads (the press release, the Eddie Trunk interview, and my note to Forum) as well as one upcoming exclusive interview witg PROG magazine, to be all I say for a while....

Even in these tough times, I love you all dearly and cherish the relationship that I have developed with you all for all these years....

Please try to understand my situation and know it's been the hardest thing I've ever done....but it does NOT have to change anything between US!!

Over & Out,
Far out, are some people dickheads or what? Last time I checked MP was a free man, able to make his own career choices.
this is the thing with the internet.

it's cool that guys in famous bands connect with their fans over the net. BUT (and we all remember this very well from the Blaze era of Maiden) you get these so called fans who think they OWN the band because they've bought a few records, and somehow have the right to dictate how things should be done, how things should go down. And if things aren't done the way they want, it's because someone (in this case Mike, previously Steve Harris) is an arsehole of some description.

Can you imagine if Steve had have been on the Maiden forums trying to respond / defend every post saying "you chose the wrong singer" or "you should have made somewhere in time an acoustic album like bruce wanted" etc etc? fucking ridiculous.

newsflash for some of these know-it-all-know-nothing-nobodies - you're a FAN. Buy the damn album, listen to it. If they stop making albums that you like, fuck off and listen to some other shit that you do like. Getting on the internet and inflicting your pompous self righteous opinion on people who've actually done something with their life doesn't make you a somebody who's done something with his life too, it just makes you a fucking pain in the arse.

GOD people like that get under my skin. Who the FUCK is he to be telling Mike Portnoy what to do and how to handle himself?

Mike is showing a lot more class than I think i'd be able to if I was in his position.
I reckon the thing hurting him most right now would be all the cuts and bite marks on his tongue from resisting the temptation to simply go:

YOU KNOW WHAT? I LIKE EMO METAL. OK? I SAID IT. SO WHAT? FUCK ALL OF YOU WHINING LITTLE CUNTS WHO DON'T LIKE IT! I'M OFF TO FINGER TERRY'S GIRLFRIEND, BRB. (lol jks about the last bit, but seriously, fuck all you judgemental cunts).


I'm sure he's thinking it.
DREAM THEATER Singer Says Seven 'World-Class' Drummers Will Audition For Band In Two Weeks - Oct. 8, 2010

On Wednesday, October 6, DJ JC Green of Metal Massiah Radio conducted an interview with DREAM THEATER singer James LaBrie about James' new solo album, "Static Impulse", and the recent departure of DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy. The entire 25-minute conversation will air tonight (Friday, October 8) at 8:00 p.m. EST only on www.metalmessiahradio.com. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below (as transcribed from the raw audio file by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

Q: Mike was the spokesperson of the band. How will the remaining members of DREAM THEATER manage this task [going forward]?

LaBrie: Well, obviously, he was taking on a lot of those responsibilities and he wanted to be hands-on all the time, especially the interaction with fans and everything like that. So what do we do at this point? We establish the communication, we get in touch with our fans, we establish a great rapport with our fans, and we become more personable with our fans and let them hear who and what we are and let them know that we are there for them and that we appreciate who and what they stand for. So it's a matter of us communicating, it's a matter of the other four guys stepping up to the plate and establishing a great relationship with our fans on a more communicative level.

Q: So we can even see the quiet guy [presumably referring to bassist John Myung — Ed.] speaking to the press?

LaBrie: Absolutely. He already is. John Myung is much more verbal than he was and he's into it — he's up for it and he's excited. I think that one of the great things is that you're going to hear from four guys a lot more than you ever have in the past, so there will be many more opinions and views and situations that normally you might not have heard from. So I think, if anything, it's gonna be very cool.

Q: I have read in other interviews that the band has done that you are looking for a replacement for Mike behind the drum kit, but I don't sense any kind of rush or pressure in the band. Are you really looking for a replacement or do you already have one or two candidates in mind?

LaBrie: We're not rushing into it, because it's a big move for us; it's unprecedented within the band. This is our first time coming up against finding a drummer for DREAM THEATER. We do have everything in place. We don't have a drummer yet, but we have auditions for drummers all set up, and it's all ready to go within two weeks. So in two weeks we will start auditioning drummers. We already have seven guys lined up that are gonna come into the studio and they are going to play through some songs and so on and so forth. We are looking for the right chemistry, the right vibe, the right attitude, the right personality, the right look — somebody that we feel really will embellish upon what DREAM THEATER has stood for and what we plan on standing for in the future. So it's pretty exciting. We have everything in line, we have everything set up, so it's just a matter, within a couple of weeks, to start the auditions and then to eventually make the announcement who the new drummer is.

Q: So there will be open auditions then?

LaBrie: It's not open; it's already decided who's coming in. There's seven drummers that are coming in, and out of those seven, we will definitely have our drummer. They're all world-class drummers. I can't tell you who — I'd love to tell you, but I can't; I can't divulge or disclose that information. Not at this point. It's too sensitive at this point. But it will be a very intense week for us while we're jamming and playing with these drummers.

Q: I will mention one name that, personally, I think is the full package for DREAM THEATER — John Macaluso. He played with you on your "Elements Of Persuasion" tour, even by recommendation from Mike, and you even sang on one of his tracks on his UNION RADIO solo project, he's from New York, he has played progressive metal for most of his career — a lot of things in common. What do you think of him?

LaBrie: Oh, well, it goes without saying John Macaluso is a fantastic drummer; he's an incredible talent. He reminds me of the current-day John Bonham — he's just got a really cool, Bonham-esque kind of feel to him, but at the same time he can also play in a very progressive outfit as well and get into more syncopated areas of drumming with ease. Yeah, I had the pleasure of going out and bringing him out on tour with me throughout Europe on the "Elements Of Persuasion" tour, and he is fantastic — there's no doubt about it; he's quite capable. Whether he is one of those seven drummers or not, I can't tell you. [laughs] But without a doubt, the guy is a fanstastic drummer. He's extremely talented. I love his playing, I love his style, and he's a great guy.

On Mike Portnoy's recent online posting in which he accused LaBrie of being "insensitive" and "disrespectful" for proclaiming in a recent interview that the remaining members of DREAM THEATER were "not sad at all" about Mike's departure from the group:

LaBrie: I'm not going to start getting into justifying who I am or where he's coming from or anything like that. I don't wanna go in those areas — I wanna keep everything positive. If something is being interpreted as being negative, that's very unfortunate. It was never ever intended to be, and I think that if anyone was to read my words within the interview from "Used Bin Radio", they would realize that in no way was I insinuating anything that was negative or insensitive.

Q: Do you plan to begin working on the new [DREAM THEATER] album in January, just like it was planned before Mike's departure?

LaBrie: Yeah. I mean, at this point I think everything is lending itself to stay within that schedule; I don't see, at this point, why it would change or why it would be delayed. I think that we're all very much ready and looking forward to getting back into the studio and creating some music. So at this point, definitely, I think January is still the reality.

Q: Do you think the absence of Mike's input in the studio as a songwriter and producer will give [DREAM THEATER] more freedom or pressure in the process?

LaBrie: I don't think there's gonna be any pressure. I think, if anything, it could change the dynamics within the band, it could change the way that things in the past always developed as far as the songs and the writing process. I think, yeah, definitely, there's room for change. I'm sure that, to some extent, it has to change, it has to be... It's a new chapter in every sense of the word. So I think that, definitely, it's quite possible that in many areas — in that area, in the approach to the sonwriting process — there's room for change, and more than likely there will be.

Q: Have you already decided how the writing process will be for the new [DREAM THEATER] album? Will you write in the studio as you have recently done or do you expect to change that process?

LaBrie: I think that we're gonna still go along with getting into the studio as a band and writing within the studio so we're all there collectively within the same room. So I think that that will go down as it has for the last several albums.

Q: Will you consider using an external producer or will John [Petrucci, DREAM THEATER guitarist] or any of the other guys in the band take care of it?

LaBrie: I think we kind of all, at this point... I mean, that's still stuff that we're discussing. But I think that, for the most part, we've all given the nod to John Petrucci to go ahead and produce. I think that he is extremely competent and he knows exactly where we need to go and what we need to do and how we need to sound. I think he's more than capable of doing it and being in that position.


Can't wait to hear what comes of this in coming weeks!
LaBrie: Oh, well, it goes without saying John Macaluso is a fantastic drummer

Although I've pretty much given up hope that a third ARK album was anything more than a naively optimistic annoucement at best, I still hope he doesn't end up in Dream Theater. It would pretty much guarantee ARK 3 remains a pipe dream.

I still think Dream Theater + Donati would be unspeakably awesome.
DREAM THEATER Singer Says Last Week's Drummer Auditions 'Were Phenomenal' - Oct. 28, 2010
On October 26, vocalist James LaBrie of progressive metal giants DREAM THEATER was interviewed by "Démentièllement Vôtre" on Québec City's CKRL 89.1 FM radio station.

When asked about DREAM THEATER's current status following the recent departure of drummer and founding member Mike Portnoy, LaBrie said, "DREAM THEATER, we're communicating a lot to one another — John Petrucci [guitar], myself, Jordan Rudess [keyboards] and John Myung [bass] — we're staying in close contact with one another. Obviously we just did the drummer auditions last week in New York. So right now we're going to take our time and really be sure of the decision that we make, which is one of the most important decisions ever made within the band. So right now it's all about preparing for the future and making sure that the next chapter will be an exciting and really amazing ride. So that's what we're taking care of at this moment in time."

Regarding how the drummer auditions went, LaBrie said, "[The auditions] were phenomenal. I mean, it was something, obviously, unprecedented for this band, and it is for most bands, but it was just a really unique and very surreal experience for us. But I can't really comment on it any further than that other than that we're moving forward and everything is very positive. And that's about it. It's really touchy as to what we can really talk about in that area right now."

In a recent interview with DJ JC Green of Metal Messiah Radio, LaBrie stated about which qualifications are desired in a potential new drummer for DREAM THEATER, "We are looking for the right chemistry, the right vibe, the right attitude, the right personality, the right look — somebody that we feel really will embellish upon what DREAM THEATER has stood for and what we plan on standing for in the future."

According to LaBrie, the caliber of candidates that were lined up to audition for DREAM THEATER was second to none. "There's seven drummers that [were scheduled to try out for the band], and out of those seven, we will definitely have our drummer," he said. "They're all world-class drummers. I can't tell you who — I'd love to tell you, but I can't. I can't divulge or disclose that information. Not at this point. It's too sensitive at this point."


Not long now until we find out who auditioned methinks, and hopefully they announce the replacement soon too!
This is interesting.... The band that he was in is now looking for a new drummer....


Replacing their old drummer with one who looks like he belongs in Avenged Sevenfold. I see what they're doing there. Well played.

I can't see it happening though. After giving it some thought I'm expecting they'll go with a drummer largely based on their existing fan base and the potential markets they can open up rather than their skill, stage presence etc.

Dream Theater internal job memo said:
Drummer wanted: must be able to play well enough to impress other drummers. Own existing fan base essential. If you are not already famous enough for us to have already shortlisted you, don't bother calling. Ability to contribute to creative processes and improve the core foundation of the band optional. Stick tricks a bonus.

Anyone who is more 'underground' in an area competing for existing fans in the eyes of the Holy Dollar is ruled out by default. I'm guessing someone like Tim Alexander or even Tommy Lee or Carmine Appice has more chance of being considered than the likes of Donati or Charlie Z (or Bozzio, Lang etc etc etc).
I'm not saying they'll get any old schmuck and settle for far less than Portnoy could do. I'm saying if you assume Portnoy is an 8/10 drummer and you have a room full of drummers who are all 8/10 to 10/10, they'll overlook the 10/10 drummers in favour of a 7.9/10 who is from a popular band with an established following outside of their own.