Portnoy quits Dream Theater

Huge talk going around at the moment that Marco Minneman is the new drummer. Mainly because Labrie made cryptic clues to having selected a new drummer and the next day, Marco is announced as part of Ruddess' new supergroup
Just for the record, this is indeed true..

Fairly recently, I reached out to the guys to try and make amends and offered to reconcile for the sake of having peace back in our lives...(plus I know how much it meant to alot of the fans...)

I figured it was still possible to try and save us because they hadn't made any announcements yet or begun any public activity with another drummer...but sadly, they declined my offer (well, actually their lawyer did...they didn't even tell me themselves....)

Sorry gang, I honestly gave it my all...
So now the fans on my twitter and facebook can please stop asking me to go back to DT...I tried, and the door is now shut...the ball is now in their court, not mine...

PS - I'm not crying or looking for mercy by posting this...I am merely trying to set the record straight as that is always the most important thing about my relationship with you guys...no BS, no spins, nothing to hide...and for better or for worse, I tell it like it is...

I've also recently seen some people accuse my online activity of "looking for attention or media coverage" or "looking for sympathy", but it's honestly none of the above...I merely value having an open and active communication with my fans...always have, always will...it is the cornerstone of everything I've done since day #1 with DT....

This was posted here FOR YOU GUYS to know about...here on MY message board on MY website....if it ends up on Blabbermouth or some other website that chooses to sensationalize it, that is THEIR doing....I did not send it out or create a "press release"....I am merely responding on a thread on my own Forum....

Anyways, onward and upward... I've got alot of great music and ideas waiting to come out of me and alot of exciting collaborations in the works....so goodbye 2010...bring on 2011!

So Portnoy left his old band for a "younger, hotter" band. They ditch him after a couple weeks and then he wants to come back to his old band. Is that about right?
I hope they don't get back together, for a good five or ten years at least. At least when Bruce and Adrian rejoined Maiden it was after a good deal of time.
I don't think anyone will miss Portnoy's singing. :)

It's very possible that the songs will be better without Portnoy - it means the others will be able to step up more, and the new drummer might be a hell of a songwriter himself. The only way I'll miss Portnoy is if the band gets worse.

And given how Mike had a hand in everything, things might improve in the band itself.
I wish they had used Åkerfeldt to sing some of MPs vocals in the studio and he just stuck to doing them live. Could have been killer and was a real missed opportunity I think.

But yeah who knows, maybe Labrie and Myung will step up with lyrics and they will all contribute more musically. I'm very interested to see. Moreso than if MP hadn't left to be honest..
Akerfeldt did Portnoy's vocals on A Nightmare to Remember when I saw them at Wembley last year. Highlight of the gig because it was so unexpected.