Portnoy quits Dream Theater

"Honor Thy Drummer" - 3 CDs worth of random bands thrown together into a promo pack thinly veiled as a "tribute album"... but "meh". It's free and there are some good songs on there, although it admittedly goes gradually downhill after the awesome opener "Crowded Sky". I hadn't even heard of more than half of the bands on there so if nothing else it's an eye-opener.


Direct download: http://generation-prog.com/data/Honor Thy Drummer - A Tribute to Mike Portnoy.zip
Torrent: http://www.spaceprog.com/data/Honor Thy Drummer - A Tribute to Mike Portnoy.zip.torrent
And Mikes recent twitters:

It's a new year and time for new beginnings...tomorrow I start 2011 Project #1 (of many more to come):
MP, Steve Morse, Neal Morse, Dave LaRue & Casey McPherson...we begin tomorrow! The musical potential is off the charts! Very exciting

Re: Casey McPhearson:
Wow! I like what this guy's voice could potentially bring to the table. Morse, Morse, LaRue, Portnoy suggests this will be a proggy fusion type of band, and not being a huge Dregs fan, I wasn't immediately that excited about the lineup. But the addition of McPherson suggests something a little more Indie/singer songwriterish. I'm excited that this will be something really different for Mike. McPherson sounds a little Chris Martin/David Grey-ish to my ears. I'm hoping for some nice vocal harmonizing between all the guys.

MP - This is the idea and why I brought Casey into the picture...

I've been a huge fan of his for years (Alpha Rev's latest is in my top 10 of 2010 and Endochine's album is in my top 10 of the last DECADE...see my Best of 00's list...)

In addition to the obvious PROG and METAL sides of my taste, I am also HUGE fan of that kind of musical style (think Beatles/Queen/Jellyfish/Greys/U2/Coldplay/Ben Folds, etc), but I have yet to really dip my toes into that side of my musical taste...

I'm hoping Casey's more pop/indie edge will help bring me & Neal (Team Transatlantic) and Steve & Dave (Team Dregs) into some new, unchartered musical territory...

And we now essentially have two singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalists fronting the project which will be able to really open up the vocal and instrumentation options as well...

The musical possibilities are endless!!
I'm excited...


And finally, he was asked about if we could expect more projects from him in 2011:

Let's just say...you aint seen nothin yet

I couldn't stop moving when I was in DT....imagine my options now that I'm a "free agent".....stand back.....
Petrucci has tweeted that DT are back in the studio. I'm going to assume we'll hear an announcement re: the new drummer fairly soon then.

Wow... I didn't realise ZP had left DragonForce until I read the annoucement that Portnoy will be 'special guest' vocalist for the remainder of their current tour and wondered what the hell was going on.
Some MP studio updates about the Portnoy, Morse, Morse, LaRue, McPherson project:

Day #1 was awesome!

I think we are almost done with the writing/arranging process of the first song....it's something that Casey planted the seed of and we just ran with it to many cool places...

Casey is such an incredible talent...his voice is so natural and soulful...he is going to add such a great new "X Factor" to this project...

Obviously my history and relationship with Neal is practically as deep as my history with DT (this is our TENTH studio album together!!!) and I've also worked with Dave so much through the years (Six G3 tours as well as Hammer Of The Gods), so those guys are a real "comfort zone"...

And Steve is absolutely the greatest...I've known him forever (DT opening for Deep Purple in 98, The Dregs opening for DT in 00), but to be making music with him is really a bit of a dream come true for me....he really is a musical genius...the way he writes and composes and thinks is truly inspiring...and his playing, well that speaks for itself! (He is JP's biggest influence afterall) Just to hear him soloing away over some progressions in today's song gave me goosebumps!

I'm very excited to see where this all leads us....and I think you may all be a bit surprised as well!


Day #2
Man, what another productive day...

We were joined today by Peter Collins (brilliant Producer who Produced Rush's Power Windows & Hold Your Fire and Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime & Empire amongst hundreds of other recordings...)
It's actually very nice to finally work with him as he was always on my "wish-list" for DT back in the 90's when we still worked with outside producers...

We're still not sure to what capacity he is going to work on the project, but he came down today to feel out the chemistry and I think it actually may work very well...he's a very nice guy, seems to respects us all as players and writers enough to give us our space, but also has a great objective ear that we are all very willing to listen to and take direction from...I think he may indeed be a nice addition to the team...we'll see....

Anyways, we wrapped up the writing and arranging on yesterday's song #1 (whose working title is "Daylight") and after dinner jumped into an idea that Steve had which was this huge, soaring guitar theme (classic Steve orchestration) that Casey immediately began sketching out a great verse & chorus to and in turn inspired Neal to write a great Bridge....

A few hours later, we wrapped up the arrangement on this song #2 (working title is "Majestic") and layed down a rough demo to sleep on...

Just got back to the hotel and listened down to both songs and I am very excited....both songs are just so melodic and soaring....I think we're really onto to something very unique and special here!!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings....
Day #3

Wrapped up the arrangement of Song #2 and moved onto Song #3...

Steve came in with a few ideas that hit him while in his hotel last night...we jump on it and come up with alot of great other ideas...do alot of jamming, discussing, diseceting, arranging, rearranging...man, no lack of ideas here!!!

Just on the verse alone, Casey was able to come up with at least 4 different melodies and approaches...all of which were equally usable and brilliant!

After trying every combination of riffs, melodies, progressions and arrangements, by the end of the night we end up with a very stripped down version of everything...and it was really the RIGHT decision...(funnily enough it was me and Neal...the 2 epic prog guys....that were gunning for the more simple and shorter arrangement!)

Anyways, this new song ROCKS!! It's kinda like a strange cross between The Chili Peppers, The Police and The Dregs!! And Dave is KILLING it with some funky bass stuff that will have Flea doing one of these ---->

And yes, Peter Collins was with us again and it looks like he is now on board....we are all loving each others ideas, contributions and company...

Day #4

Today we spent the day working on one of the songs that pre-dated the sessions as the bulk of it was assembled from bits that Neal & Steve worked on when they got together to meet and write a bit together in early 2010...

Although the majority of the song was already arranged, we inevitably added minor changes to the arrangement and parts, but also completely rewrote the song's chorus based on new approaches Casey sparked...

So far this is the only "epic" we've written (clocking in at around 10 minutes...OK, not "epic" by mine and Neal's standards, but pretty lengthy by most other "normal" band's standards!)

This one really brings to mind a bit of the sound and arrangement of Kansas' Carry On Wayward Son or Yes' Roundabout....but of course it's all US....

Day #5

We actually were able to bang out two songs today....both on the shorter, more poppy side...
(I may as well now dispell any notions that this is a full-blown "Prog" project, because that's not really the case...It really is a very "song-oriented" project...but of course with an emphesis on great musicianship, style diversity and inevitable proggy overtones...)

Anyways, the first song is something Casey had brough in which I LOVED...
Very Beatles/Queen/Jellyfish...TOTALLY up my alley....(but the funny thing is that people that don't really know me or my taste would never peg me as such a fan of psychedlic pop kind of stuff...in fact, at one point Casey was cracking up because he sees me as this long haired, tattooed, heavy metal guy...but I was totally excited to be playing a Ringo groove and singing 3 part harmonies!)

The 2nd song of the day was something Neal woke up with this morning and presented to us (yes, this project is filled with at least 3 gifted songwriters that can just bang out a song or idea within hours!)

Neal presented to us the verses and choruses he came up with and from there Steve created an instrumental bit and then we used a bridge that Casey had...and of course Dave, Peter and myself are making chord changes & arrangement suggestions all through the process, so even when 1 person brings a "song" in, by the time the 6 of us are done with it, it's truly become a collaborative effort....and it really does sound that way...you can hear a bit of all of our influence in every song we've written so far...

This latest one may be one of the most commercial-sounding songs I've ever done in my life, but it is QUALITY music folks!!! (for instance, fans of Kevin Gilbert's work are gonna love this project....)

I am truly enjoying how refreshing it has been making music with such talented musicians/artists as Neal, Steve, Dave & Casey...

...and it also is yet another notch in my belt of trying something new, as it doesn't sound anything like DT or Transatlantic or A7X or LTE or OSI...one of the most important goals in my career has been to always have an open-mind, an open-ear, try different things and work with artists I admire and respect...and this project is a home-run in helping me continue to achieve that goal in everyone of those areas!


Day #6

Man, what another productive day!!!

Start off with a few cool riffs Steve showed us...pretty HEAVY (relatively speaking of course) and put together a really cool song that's totally upbeat and seriously groovin...

The initial arrangement had a chorus that Casey and I sang together and had a pretty cool Queens Of The Stone Age vibe and then broke into a really cool breakdown section in the middle where Casey went into a bit of a Bono meets Jim Morrison spoken section..

After laying down a demo version and taking a break, we were about to put the song to bed when Neal voiced a few concerns and we ended up completely rewriting the chorus and omitting the spoken section...once again, another example of 5 very creative minds (6, including peter Collins) really being able to bounce ideas, thoughts and concerns off of each other and come out with something that is the best for THE SONG...

We take a dinner break during which Peter entertains us with stories from his career, including some cool insight into the Rush albums he made...

After dinner, I suggest taking a look at a few songs Neal had that I really was in love with....but after much discussion, we all agreed that the project is really benefitting from us collaborating on everything and not using any "completed" songs, so instead we dig into the pile of ideas that Neal & Steve jammed on last year...

We stumble on a few progressions and melodies that were really beautiful and decide to work on them as we were on our 8th song and hadnt yet had anything that was "ballad-esque"...what ended up coming out a few hours later was an incredibly beautiful piece of music that in a perfect world would be a tremendous hit...

Casey and Neal collaborated on some absolutely inspired lyrics and Casey's voice on this song is so unbelievably emotional...he delivers the song with so much character and conviction that we were all REALLY moved when we sat in the control room listening to the playback...

Powerful stuff!

Day #7
Today was a half day as I had an in-store appearance in the afternoon...(thanks to all the fans that came out to say hi!)

And even with a half day, we still managed to bang out 2 more songs!!
It's unbelievable the pace that 5 very creative and focused minds can work at...

The first song we worked on tonight was another one that stemmed from Neal & Steve's writing pow-wow last year...of course, once we jammed on it a bit, it inevitably went to some new and exciting places and inspired some new sections.

This one probably has the most Dreg-ish feel of any of the tunes on the album...and even has a bit of a country-jam breakdown...which of course is some new territory for me! (and that's awesome...)

I encouraged Neal to sing the verses on this one as Casey is doing so much singing and I really wanted to have Neal sing lead on at least a few sections...we even tried me doing some lead singing on the B-section, but I bowed out as it didnt feel like the right part for me...

The next song (song #10 already...wow!) is something that Neal presented as a possible different song for me to sing lead on...he pictured it as my "With A Little Help From My Friends"...I may give it a whirl once we start doing our real tracks, but in the meantime I'm leaving the lead vox on this one in his more than capable hands!

And Casey sings the most insane, bluesy Chris Cornell-type vocal on the Bridge of this one (over a new section that Steve came up with...)

Once again, the feel of this song is uncharted territory for me (which I LOVE) and I'm getting to play a super solid swinging backbeat...almost a 50's do-wop, meets gospel type vibe....but in a Ben Fold Five meets Faith No More (ala Edge Of The World or I'm Easy) way....

The musical range and diversity on this album is absolutely ridiclous...it's like a musical melting pot!!!

I joked to the guys a few days ago that each of us individually has a certain musical stereotype...like Neal is the Prog Guy, Casey is the Pop Guy, Dave is the Jazz Guy, Steve is the Country Guy and I'm the Metal Guy.....now of course, that is VERY limiting and not neccessarily true as ALL of us all go so many places musically, but the point was that even with all of our different backgrounds and styles, we have come together to make MUSIC that is UNIVERSAL because we ALL love so many different things...

And when you hear this album, you will be taken on the same journey....every song is a whole unique and fresh experience down a whole different road from the previous song...from rock to jazz to prog to bluegrass to funk to alternative to pop and everything in between!!!

If you are simply an unprejudice, open minded and open eared MUSIC LOVER, you are going to love this album!

Just like I do!
Day #8

As the session began, we determined that as we only have 2 more day together, we should write one more song and then spend the rest of time reviewing everything and making any last changes needed...

We dive into what becomes the 11th and final song...a real barn-burner that is a true Steve Morse/Dave LaRue/Mike Portnoy shred-fest (Neal and Casey were pushing us to write something like this, and as the saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for"!)

Musically it's very Yngwie meets LTE but with a Muse-ish harmonic and melodic edge....I think this song is the last remaining "missing ingredient" to an album that is a very well balanced musical meal!

We then begin the process of listening down to all the songs one at a time and addressing any last changes we'd like to make to the arrangements, chord progressions, instrument orchestrations, vocal melodies, etc.

Tonight and tomorrow will have us finishing up this last stage with the songwriting and arranging, doing a photo session and some video interviews, kicking around band names and then wrapping up our time together....

I will then spend the rest of the week doing my proper drum tracks before leaving for NAMM on Friday morning....and as there wont be much to report with my drum tracking, this will be my last studio report....

It's been an amazing experience with amazing guys and amazing musicians....I cannot wait to see how the album continues to develop over the coming weeks and months and hopefully we will have more info for you all soon concerning its release.

Thanks for reading...and thanks for supporting me in all my musical (ad)ventures! You guys are my REAL fans and I know you are behind me and my decisions and that means the world to me...I will continue to raise the bar and work my ass off for you all!

Carpe Diem,
According to Eddie Trunk — co-host of the VH1 Classic television program "That Metal Show" who has a long-running radio show, "Friday Night Rocks", on New York's Q104.3 FM — Mike Mangini, the 47-year-old session artist who has played for ANNIHILATOR, EXTREME, JAMES LABRIE and STEVE VAI, is strongly rumored to have joined DREAM THEATER as the replacement for the recently departed Mike Portnoy.
They could certainly do worse if it's true.
Well holy crap... they've finally announce the seven drummers who auditioned for the band. And they've pretty much taken my favourite drummers

- Aguiles Priester
- Peter Wildoer
- Marco Minnemann
- Virgil Donati
- Derek Roddy
- Mike Mangini
- Thomas Lang

I'm surprised about Roddy and Wildoer. And if it ends up being Lang, I'm going to claim credit! :) (it will likely be Mangini though, he's played with Labrie before)