Portnoy quits Dream Theater

He will be back, I think he wants to get his teeth into heavier stuff, DT obviously don't, and so off into the sunset he goes for a few years, he'll be back though I reckon.

ANd beyond that Sprucey is on point I think about wanting to continue touring with A7X into Early next year and not coming to a resolution with the rest of the band.
I don't believe that he could bring the prog. Portnoy does some ridiculous shit like play different time sigs with hands and feet, and I can't see Joey going THAT far. The man does like jumping onboard other projects though.

I suspect someone from some prog band I have never heard of, or a bedroom DT freak that can play all their stuff.
You know, as a mega fan of the band I'm obviously disappointed and sad to see Mike go. BUT that said, this could be an amazing opportunity for the band to develop and move onto the next level of their sound. Maybe they can move away from being "PROG" and back to being "PROGRESSIVE" again :)

So while I think it sucks, I'm also super excited about what could be in the future!
Seems this is going to turn nasty :(

Apparently Jordan and MP stopped following each other on twitter and James unfriended MP on facebook bla bla bla.
Haven't bothered to check that though.

And JP's wife posted this on his forum:

Silly poster...John wrote every song with the exception of one "New Millenium"
John and Jordan who never get any credit ARE the heart and soul of DT and it is sad that Mike has quit because he is awesome but just remember...he quit. The only people being shafted are the remaining members of DT.
From Petrucci:

" Obviously you've all heard the news of Mike's departure from Dream Theater by now.
I felt it important to open up a line of communication in an effort to kill any rumors and to promote clarity.
I love Mike and really hope he's happy and successful in whatever he does.
I realize that Mike was always the one to actively stay in touch with our fans, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to try to be at least a bit more present on both mine and DT's websites and to let you all know that I am here.
To me, Dream Theater's story is one of defying the odds, standing for true integrity in music and creating our own success through perseverance and hard work, so although Mike's leaving is heartbreaking, I still look forward to an amazing musical journey that continues on with some of the most talented and respected musicians and composers on the planet!
-JP "

Who knows what is true though....

Petrucci is actually on his forum at the moment answering questions....
Here is one:

Q: Wow. So was this out of the blue for you guys too or have you been weighing the options over the past while?"

JP: Shocking. No one ever anticipated Mike leaving.
I love him and personally think it's a mistake but he's his own man.
Q: Did you guys even for a second consider ending the band upon hearing Mike's decision?

JP:Not for a micro second. 25 year careers don't grow on trees!

Q: I'm going to be very greedy and ask if musical differences played a factor in the parting with Mike?
JP: Not at all.

Q: Seeing as DT always bounce back when they have something to prove(Scenes & Images), has this changed got you pumped for the new album?
JP: I'm absolutely pumped for the next album!
I was before the news and still am.
I love DT and love writing and recording new music more than anything.
I love the challenge of trying to top yourself each time.

Q:Hey JP.
Has the band been in serious talks about what comes next, or are you all kinda giving it a moment to sink in before any concrete plans?

JP: Our plans for 2011 haven't changed.

Q: Regarding drummers, are you going to try and find a player that you already know personally?
JP: That's not a prerequisite.

Q: Do you know if you guys will write the new album in the studio or write most of it beforehand?
JP: Both

Q: If Mike chose to return in the future, would the band be okay with it?
JP: I would love to have the chance to play with Mike again.
Q: Did John Myung say something when he found out?

JP: John has a lot to say and contribute

Q:You probably have no idea since it's so early, but how are the setlists gonna work out? MP always made them, and took the time to see what songs hadn't been played in a while in each state
JP: We will take great care in making the setlists

Q: I feel bad that we're storming you with questions John, but you're handling it well and thanks so much for opening up this Q&A of sorts.
How do you think the band will fill the other roles that Mike played? At least from the fans perspective it appeared Mike did a great deal of the bands management, not just drumming.
JP: We have a manager that has always handled the band's affairs. Mike was excellent at promoting the band and making public appearances as well as communicating with our fans. We will have to step it up to match all he did.
Q: How do you think this will effect the writing of future (or at least this upcoming) records? Do you think you guys are still going to enter the studio on a blank slate and go from there?

JP: Our method of writing wont change. It's hard to say.

Q:Don't know if you'd answer this, but are you guys considering an acoustic album, without drums? After seeing Jordan's video today, I think if you all were putting together songs without drums it might create something completely different and pretty cool.

JP: Not at this time
Q: Hey John i had a few questions. Any answer would be fine and none would be fine. lol. anyway...
I was wondering if the revolving setlists for the shows would remain? I know MP kept track of that stuff and i was wondering if that was going to change.
Now that MP is gone are you guys producing the album yourself or are you thinking about hiring an outside producer?
and What about ytsejam records? Will that continue or go away.

JP: We haven't decided.
Q: Last question, I promise. Do you foresee a stylistic change with the forthcoming album? Many fans are speculating that Mike had a large role to play in the recent shift towards a more modern metal sound.
JP: It's not predetermined. It happens organically when we write together. I'd rather not speculate because I've always had a passion for playing heavy music. We'll have to see what happens in the studio.

Q: Without going into too many details, how did the Mike tell you he was finished?
JP: He was a gentleman.

Q: Are you intimidated at all going into writing a new album without mikes creative input?
JP: No. There is nothing I enjoy more than writing and recording. I'm really looking forward to it.

Q: Hey john are you working on a new solo album??. Do you have an estimated date of release?
JP: Yes, it's mostly written and yet to be recorded. Coming soon details to follow.
From James LaBrie:

"Hi Everyone,

Thought I would give you time to digest the news of Mike's departure. MIke stated that he was burnt out with the DT world and needed a break. We have to respect where he is at and where this will lead him at this particular point in time. With that being said, we are more than pumped to continue the legacy of DT and jump full on into the next chapter. Rest assured it will be great. You can count on it.

On another positive note. Matt and I are psyched with the reaction and reviews 'Static Impulse is receiving around the world. We can't wait until everyone can get their hands on the complete disc. and hear it the way it was intended.
I will be around more often to see how you're all doing and to fill you with any and all news. Take care and not long now until the 27th or 28th depending on where you live.

Kick it up a notch,

Q: Did John Myung say something when he found out?

Enjoying reading these posts.

For all the hardcore fans it will be Portnoys absence from message boards and organising all the fanside of things and whatnot that will be the most obvious void but for the more casual fan like myself it will certainly be his playing and live presence. Even if he isn't "the best drummer in the world", I can't imagine anyone else doing what he does in their songs, to the point that setlists might get changed up quite a bit the accomodate the newbie. Will certainly be interesting to see what their future holds.
I could see how going from kinda being the main man in DT, main guy who communicates with the fans, one of the main songwriters, guy who keeps track of all the set lists and makes sure they do a new one each show, producer, all that other stuff that he does... I could see someone getting burned out with all that and getting to a point where you say "I just want to play drums in someone else's band for a bit". Totally can related to that except not on drums ;)

I'm sure they'll bring in another amazing drummer and make another great album. Obviously it will feel a little bit different, but so what... I've still like other bands after significant line up changes so I don't see why this would be any different.

Jordison. Discuss.
