Possibly moving to Texas. Any advice?

Donovan S.

Jul 6, 2010
Oklahoma, US
So Oklahoma is full of shit. Me and my band have been given the opportunity to move to Texas within the next 6 months and I think we may actually do it. Could anyone here tell me about the metal scene in Texas and what the venues are like, info about studios, etc.?

I have also heard some things about the Mexican/Texas border being a dangerous place in spots due to the drug cartels. Could anyone shed more information on that?

We will be moving close to Sealy, Texas, about 50-75 miles west of Houston.
So Oklahoma is full of shit. Me and my band have been given the opportunity to move to Texas within the next 6 months and I think we may actually do it. Could anyone here tell me about the metal scene in Texas and what the venues are like, info about studios, etc.?

You're gonna be driving alot. Everything is a 2-4-6 hour drive from Austin if you're gigging in Dallas or S.A.. A long time ago a band I was in played out in El Paso, loooooong drive, dude. but yes you'll be fine as long as you got a tour van or something. Lots of studios as well, throw a stick and you'll hit one.

I have also heard some things about the Mexican/Texas border being a dangerous place in spots due to the drug cartels. Could anyone shed more information on that?

As long as you're not playing a gig at the Titty Twister I think you'll be fine.

We will be moving close to Sealy, Texas, about 50-75 miles west of Houston.

Houston, S.A., Austin, San Marcos, Ft. Worth, Corpus Christi all have clubs I've played in, so yeah plenty of places to go dude. Just alot of driving.:lol:
As long as you're in the states...you'll be fine. The mexican cartels are active in the border only. and you'll be far away from the closest one.

the metal scene changes from place to place. But texas is filled with really good bands, and professional and world class recording studios.

just remember...Don't mess with Texas. haha :lol:
...no, seriously.
He's right, DONT mess with Texas.We've got Rick Perry on our side ;)
Haha Texas is really great.
I live in New Braunfels, which is 45 minutes south of Austin, and 30 minutes north of San Antonio, So I've got the best of both worlds. I'd really suggest moving closer to SA or Austin though if ya can.
Hey, if ya want, come on over to my home studio in New Braunfels and I'll record your band for cheap, seriously.

And they are right, you will be driving ALOT. especially since the state is roughly 500,000 square miles... Haha
For the most part, we've got a pretty sweet metal scene too.
Studios and venues are littered EVERYWHERE.
TX sucks. Houston really sucks. But I'd imagine its somehow better than OK.

Good luck, you'll need it. Stay drunk so you dont notice the mind-numbing pain of living in this fucking worthless hellhole, and Sealy? Wow... you'll just be hanging out drunk in Katy all the time... but on the bright side, that's where King's X lives... so... there's that.
Austin rules.
San Antonio is cool.
Houston sucks.
Dallas super-sucks.

The cartel shit is crazy...El Paso still has one of the lowest crime rates of any large city in the U.S., but the most violent place on the fucking earth is Ciudad Juárez which is pretty much El Paso on the Mexican side of the border. So as long as you don't cross the border you're pretty safe it seems.
Every trip to TX has ended up involving police for me. Between that and a political climate that makes NC look socialist I can't say there is much in TX that would make me want to live there. I've met some cool people but that's it. Houston seems to have a hilarious number of porn stores next to mega churches which is entertaining I guess. Obviously the guys who live there would know better than I do of course.
Sealy? I'll be 15 minutes away from you, lol. Why Sealy? That's out there in the middle of no where...
You have to do a bit of digging to find the really nice bits, but it's well worth it when you do. Give me a ring if you wind up near San Antonio, there's plenty to do here and I've found far too much of it.

Allan, Houston is even more severe than San Antonio as far as 'seems ugly until you find the nice spots' - every time I go through there I deal with insane traffic, three-block walks that go from posh to gangland to posh again without warning, and awful smells almost everywhere. Nowhere near as icky as Dallas, at least...

I think every city is like that, except for tourist cities. You need to know where to go. The inner loop has a lot to do, just stay away from the east side of 288! Yeah, you learn to stay off the streets from 4:30-8:00 :lol:
I saw Emperor, Peccatum, Witchery and Borknagar @ Cardy's (or maybe Cardi's) in Houston way back in '99...that was one of the best shows I've seen in my life, but I heard that place isnt called that anymore. The inside was fuckin rad. Looked like some old west theater with crazy catwalks n such above the stage. cool place. anyway, good Houston memory.:rock: rarity it may be.
That place is long gone. Most places are, in fact.

And Houston, once again, is fucking awful. TX is terrible as a whole, and Houston may be the worst... besides SA that is. El Paso clearly doesnt even count.