Possibly the worst/funniest thing I have ever seen

The name is having me laugh. A geographical mix up with a gay title!

So he needs a "scientific" means of flight, but he can turn into a gayish looking guy in a red suit by smashing his hammer on the floor?
heehee, I'm glad someone finally watched it :)

Yea....It was painful sitting through the whole thing...and then there was a Spiderman episode at the end..which was slightly less terrible

The battle between Thor and Hercules is epic...yeeeah

And why the hell is Balder wearing pink??? :lol:
I don't even need to watch this to know what it is.

Those old Marvel cartoons were really fucking awful!

The old Fantastic Four were the worst. Especially since they didn't/couldn't use The Human Torch and instead replaced him with Herbie the Robot.
Fucking stupid!

Oh, well.
haha, seriously!

"Do not crowd, females!!"
I just love how the characters just "slide" into the scenes....freaking lol
"Even a thundergod has the right to love!"