Post a pic of you NOW.

boooh! you should've switched your comment you gave to me by the one to her

lolz, too late now

mimzy :):):) that webcam don't do you justice enough :s

it was shakespeare, not really his words :p but i don't remember the original ones in old english, but i'll remember something nice to say to Mima, if she fix the MSN :Saint:
upset, and bored... i need some entertainment.. please? anyone???
I'm here for you, my love :)

"I learn from the best, i learn from you" would've sounded more appropriate :p

yeah, well, that was like the best I could think of, I just woke up at that time so my brain wasn't functioning 100% yet :p
What about a big: "Hmmm that's so kinda like a no... uhhh!"

sorry, but what ? :lol:

And wtf with the Spongebob thing, the superman, Astro Boy and all those cream beauty bottle :lol:[/QUOTE]

I am a fan of spongebob and from that cocksucking motherfucker of Superdumb :lol::lol:

The meeting


The sucking


Ps. There are cream for the hair and some for the skin, you know I have to take care about my sking :blush:
Yay astroboy is stretching his right arm while superman keep sucking :lol: