Post a pic of you NOW.

Haha alright dude calm down. The high post count and join date isn't the ONLY way to become a stud. You can also merely possess steezy characteristics in general.

Wuet wuet. So I guess I got the wrong impression initially. This forum IS indeed filled with mostly studs. :kickass:

nothing left to say
nice going, calling others racists while you do pre-conceived affirmations

Those stats are wrong, you really don't know how are the politics and the economical thing below the United States.
Don't fucking trust in anything you read or see on the net.

I know my shit man.

No, I know my shit too. While complicated there is a simple formula that can determine how good a country is for the (average) people that live in it. On the HDI list Mexico is FAR below most countries and the two countries I mentioned are indeed above it so :)