Post a pic of you NOW.

Absinthe/absinth/absenta(call it like you want) for the fucking win, :lol:



Until 89'9º(not to be sold, usualy the ones sold between 50º-70º) degrees of pure fucking party, :lol:
Absinth rules. I enjoy it just on rare occasions tho :) (so fucking expensive and poisonous)

Expensive yes, but poisonous?? I mena, you can get really drunk with half a bottle of it, but I've never got sick because of drinking it. I got constipated once, but it was a day that I drank one whole bottle of whishey mixed with 6 red-bull and 3 litres of wine+coke+absinth. The actions were:

Drinking----->Feeling sick------>Puking the pizza I had had for dinner----------->Getting home--------->Sleeping and waking up---------->Painting the WC brown
