Post a pic of you NOW.

I just took



See asshole :lol: MORE than enough to grow a beard. And a cool little stache too.
I'm calling shenanigans :p


I'm sure the ladies love receiving stache rides :yuk:

Dred needs to grow the hair out again, that's what they dig.

Mustache preserves the flavour :lol:

And as for his hair... No dude, that will help but then he'll look like a fat chick :lol: Long hair + no facial hair = bad combo in most cases. He has a round face, like me kinda, so he needs to get some fucking sideburns and a beard to help add some definition to his face, :lol: He'll look A LOT slimmer than he does now if he listens to me. Trust me when I shave (even before when I weighed like 160 pounds) my face looks so fucking round. It's genetics.
:lol: He has a round face, like me kinda, so he needs to get some fucking sideburns and a beard to help add some definition to his face, :lol: He'll look A LOT slimmer than he does now if he listens to me. Trust me when I shave (even before when I weighed like 160 pounds) my face looks so fucking round. It's genetics.

1.) How tall are you? (In feet/inches please. I'm American, and thus too lazy to use a converter)
2.) I got fucked genetically in the facial hair department
3.) I'm going to make an attempt at growing something sometime around May, once I've lost some weight and my face has thinned out a bit. Also...I'm going to try and shave every other day (I usually go 4-5 days without shaving) and cross my fingers in hopes of it growing in thicker.