Post-GNR: Best album?


Burning headbanger
Jul 24, 2009
Hi dudes,

so we have:

- Slash and his solo projects
- Adler's Appetite
- Velvet Revolver
- ... and "Axl N Roses"

What else should be on the list? What about ... Stradlin, what is he up to?

Of the above: mentioned bands/projects (where the old GNR members have been involved), which album is the best?

Just heard "Alive" of Adler's Appetite for the first time :headbang:
I like the first Velvet Revolver album and Izzy's first solo album Izzy Stradlin and the JuJu Hounds.
i liked slash's snakepit 2nd album the best,also a bie g fan of what ive heard so far with steven adler,his band adler have a new album coming out soon,the new single is pretty rocking
(On a scale of meh to great, meh being the lowest.)

IMO the best ones are both Snakepit albums by far, Ain't Life Grand being the better one. Then Chinese Democracy.

Izzy's first album is good, but the rest don't do much for me. Same with Gilby Clarke.

Duff's both solo albums are pretty meh to me.

Velvet Revolver's first album is pretty good, but the second one is horribly meh.

I still like Neurotic Outsiders, the band Duff and Matt formed with Steve Jones.

I wasn't overly impressed with Slash's solo album. Hopefully the second one is better.

Haven't heard Adler's album.
The first albums done by Duff, Gilby and Slash were the best ones - Believe in Me, Pawnshop Guitars and It's 5 o'clock. I think because these had a lot of GnR guests / writing / other guests to help them out - even Axl singing on some. Albums following these dropped off a bit.
Izzys stuff is more consistantly solid but not overly exciting.
Velvet Revolver did nothign for me. I have no more of SLashs other work and Loaded is a bit middle of the road.
To be honest, Axl seems to have the best writing / compising talent.
Chinese Democracy is in my top 5 albums of all time, so that gets my vote. Contraband would be second, followed by the Loaded albums, followed by Libertad...the rest is "meh" IMO.