post here if you do not read BCO

Taking a sort of version of moderating this board, I'm only mentioning it nowadays because this board has started to get a lot more attention lately- I obviously don't care if there is the OT stuff and in fact encourage it, but in instances when the board is filled with an in joke that 4 people get, not to mention that it's about a topic which is annoying in the first place...

example, I don't think anyone would be too keen on mia and I going over to or and bringing 5 kids we know from over there over to here to make threads about misscarlac or even about how dumb both those sites are. knowhatimean.

anyway things like that do keep the board from being entertaining, in my humble opinion.
preppy, I have never deleted a thread or a post that I thought was annoying, and never suggested I would, with the exception of the wicca thread which was an unserious comment directed at josh, a person who has used that type of comment with me hundreds of times in the past (i.e. "dude I will totally stab you").

Also Josh whether a gross post like that is entertaining to you or not, there's a difference between that and a type of humor that is designed for the specific esotericisms of a clique well aware that people outside that circle have no access. (Thanks to BFS I now hate to use the word elitism but here, it's accurate).

Everybody can understand the concept of an ass crack and farting whereas something like 4 people on this board understand the concept of nomadlisa.
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I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin Jake has this weird bitter "I hate BCO" thing going on, not me. I actually post there quite a bit. You know how I hate controversy.

I think your opinion is perfectly valid if a bit unexpected, but I will totally stab you if you give me half a chance. In the peen too.
I don't think you're an elitist at all. I do feel, however, that BCO-related threads are exclusive, which contrary to popular belief does not mean you should apologize, and does not mean you ought to stop posting BCO-related stuff.
