post here if you do not read BCO

VangelicSurgeon said:
I especially like the part where I backpedal.
I went to BCO a couple times and was totally lost, having never been a part of that scene.

So, since I was not a part of that scene, does that make me inferior to all kittens since kittens are scene?

Also, whatever happened to dogs? Are dogs passe? Cuz I will totally kick out my gf's dogs if this is so. (i.e., HIT DA ROAD MUTTZORZ)
well if you go to bco and be like 'hey the preppy is my pal!' like, at least 30 people will hate you, and then like 10 more will try to get verification that i am not goatschool's fake account, and then a few other ones will try to pay you for photographic proof of my face.
what if i go over and pretend to be elijah wood. will people believe me then?
Hobbits totally don't lie.

and if preppy being my pal is bad in another universe, i don't wanna be liked by those peoplez!
ohhh... i was thinking you poisoned that thread. and i was trying to figure out of nastymctavish or in fact cheswit was one of your arcane fake accounts...