Post in this thread and I'll tell you what I honestly think of you.


Aug 30, 2001
And after I do you, you can do the same for me if you want.

Just FYI... none of it will be that bad (just true) because I honestly don't dislike any of you. Someone did this on another board and it was pretty cool and he was surprisingly spot on with a lot of his evaluations. It looked fun, so I figured I'd give it a go here.

I'm going to be 100% honest, so if you think I might say something you don't want to hear, then just don't post. You post = I evaluate.

So... who wants to be first? :headbang:
I'm willing to be picked apart. Give me your best shot.
Most of the time you seem only concerned about yourself or what others think of you and your predicaments, some of which you tend make into a bigger deal than they really are. This isn't necessarily a bad thing though because that's pretty much the point of a message board, and I think part of the reason I notice it so much from you is the way you interact in the IRC channel. It seems like 95% of your interactions there are interrupting conversations to talk about yourself and if the general banter doesn't swing towards what you want to talk about you fade away.

I don't think you give yourself enough credit a lot of the time and that you'd do well to not feel sorry for yourself so much. The things you do in and with your life are great and I don't think you need as much reassurance of it as the impression I get from you would signify.

You're funny and creative and relatively smart. If you stopped posting all together w/o saying anything, people would notice after a while.

Again, these are just general impressions that I get. They could be way off and if so, I apologize in advance.
You look like nu-James Hetfield and your jokes usually at least render a real life "heh heh".

Aside from that I unfortunately don't take notice to much else in your posts. If you left, it'd probably take someone saying "Hey what happened to Deathstrike?" for me to realize you'd stopped posting.
I don't know much about you, other than you apparently got really butthurt when someone said your sister was hot. That seemed a bit peculiar to me, but it doesn't hold any weight when forming an opinion, especially since you seem to have lightened up in regards to that particular topic recently.

Your photography is excellent (wish you'd post more of it) and I don't recall you ever saying anything completely stupid. As of right now, you've been becoming more noticeable to me lately, but aside from that I don't really know you well enough to form as good an opinion as I can for some others here.

Just keep posting. You seem like a good dude.
A lot of people with outgoing, outlandish personalities similar to yours are completely faking it and it's as easy to see through as a baseball card sleeve. As far as I can tell though, you are 100% genuine and that makes you leaps and bounds more awesome than most people. You're a fucking hilarious guy that I would love to spend some IRL time with just for the LOLs (and I like blowing shit up too). You seem to have pretty good values and have your life together better than a lot of people here. You're a shining example of living life to the fullest and being happy. Plus, how can I say anything bad when you just got those fucking adorable kittens?!

I'd definitely notice after a couple weeks if you stopped posting.
lolgojira. couldn't resist :(
Through the little interaction we've had I have been somewhat put off by your stubborn attitude, thus resulting in me not paying much attention to your posts. I understand your opinions when it comes to certain music, but I don't really like the way you present them. There's definitely nothing wrong with that, it's just unbecoming to me, so I distance myself from communicating with you in order to avoid arguments.

So I guess that means I don't really have much more to say. I'd notice after a while if you stopped posting, but for different reasons than everyone else so far in this thread.
I cannot thank you enough for making a post about Salvia long ago at least I think it was you maybe it was neal.Also you got me into Shpongle, and I fucking LOVE shpongle, I got my friends to love shpongle too.

After reading my own post it sounds weird, is that because of the weed.

Also, you west coast dudes take your awesome weed for granted, I could sell that shit here for like 200 quarter, so when you smoke remember to thank the place you live
kevin - you seem really easy-going, intelligent, comfortable with yourself and obviously A LOT of fun to hang out with and you also seem to be genuinely concerned about people, which i think is wonderful to find in a person nowadays.
