post painful deaths?...

Well, I say first that one would have to be plugged with some drugs to keep them from going into shock, then skinned from the waist down with a dull razor, do it in a freezer to slow the flow of blood, and to freeze their muscles (ouch), then drill a screw through their nose, rip out all their teeth, and cut their tongue in half, when thats done, pour salt all over their open wounds and mouth, finally pour acid all over their chest before throwing them in a turned-off incinerator, and slowly turn up the temperature untill they burn alive.

...Glad this is a metal board and not a psychology class.
I would have to say that it would be castration followed by having all of whoever was being killed's innards being pulled out through the hole made by the removal of their genitalia. After that, if they were still alive isuppose we could hang em by their own bowels, after which we could do everything that LunarTower said, assuming that they lived long enough.
Getting your eyes scooped out of their sockets, with the cords still attached so everything can still be seen. Then, getting your nuts chopped off and shoved in your eye sockets. Then getting your eyes turned around to see your own nuts in your own eye sockets. Then getting your eyes ripped out from whatever is attached (I can't think). Anything after that, would suck. Screwdriver into the brain or something, I don't know. I'm not that violent though, I just think as I go along.
I thought that being put in a room naked, where every surface is like a barbeque hotplate would be really painful. Every wall, and the floor and ceiling are just hot metal plates and no matter where you run to or lean agaist you get burnt by the metal plates. :(
Originally posted by Stygian Apothegm
glue your ass shut and die from painful constipation as a ball of shit burst from your stomach intertwined within your intestines.

Whoa, that should be painfull. o_O

BTW I think that there are some ways of dying that are really cruel. I can imagine thousands of methods of crusing anyones head by anvil and hammer or sth.
I think that drowning is the most painfull, cuz u just can escape of it. I knew one man, and he drowned, he was 19, it was a year ago. I cannot umagine worst kind of death
yea drowning is pretty bad, not exactly the pain just the whole fact and all.......I was watching some fishing thing on the guys who go out to the middle of the ocean and set the traps and all. They talked about how your foot can get caught on the rope as its going down.......just imagine being pulled from the boat and dragged into the water on a constant free fall....ear drums exploding being crushed etc.....
wow yet another grim death thread hehe.... hmmmm lets see.... i think the worst way to go would be being eaten alive....
As Hitler used to do:
You know a mouse only walks on, never back. Well, he knew it.
So what? He used to put a mouse inside people in their asses and, while walking, it went gnawing and chewing everything in it's way, you know what I mean.

The following picture is about that:

Remember: if you don't like corpses, don't click there.