post painful deaths?...

you're a bunch of sick motherfuckers with those pictures:eek:

Umm, painful death.

First someone blows up your 2 balls with a hammer.
then he cuts your tongue.
Then he writes something on your head with a knife and puts 2 screwdrivers into your eyes. He cuts your dick in little pieces, he cut your nose off and then he puts your arm in the oven for an hour and the he eats it. He gets a few knives into your other arm and then he puts another knive through your jaws. He cuts your feets. To finnish, he cut you in half with a chainsaw starting from the middle of your legs.

:cool: thats gotta be painful
Maybe there's a way to control sensitivity threw nerves, so you could create some pain as long as you would control heart rythm, so that the guy could not duy by heart break or something.
A bit like the matrix, you could generate everypainfull death you imagine without actually doing really, it would only be in the guy's mind...
Hey ! It could be a game ! Like parapa the rapper ! Plug your PS2 into the guy's brain, then hit the buttons in rythm to execute some different pains, the faster you are, the painer (euh ? painfuller ? painfull ?) the death are.

From another room : "Jr ! Have you seen the dog ? And shut down this video game, you've got some homework !":lol: :lol: :lol:
apprently drowning's not that bad..i know a couple of people who very nearly drowned, they said after a while it just feels kinda peaceful.Still,it must be nasty!

How about being in a room where two of the walls are very slowly moving inwards,crushing you to death and theres no way to escape.Think about it,what ever you do your body's going to turn and your head's gonna get crushed first.The slower the walls are moving, the more painful and drawn out its gonna be.

For some reason,i think about this quite a lot :s