Post processing rythm guitars

HP/LP some scoop around 300, a little boost in the highs or high mids, depending on the song.
To quote Andy...."depends what it needs..." though I find different amps/cabs to have certain areas that need addressing. Im starting to learn my 6505 and will say it has a 6.7kish area which I need to tame, where as my dual recto needs more low mids cut and upper mids boost. Always a LP though regardless of what amps being used and C4.
choosing the right guitar/pickups/strings and playing will have a greater significance on the tone than post processing - its really worth spending some time with different guitars and pickups and learning what sound works where and what doesn't. it may sound obvious (or even irrelevant, if so sorry) but its something thats really hit home recently. it felt weird pickup an epi les paul over a prs but its definitely been worth it!

that said, usually just eq, sometimes multiband if im getting a lot of low end from the cabinet and sometimes saturation or la3a-esque compression.
the less eq you use the better it will sound
get a good tone to start, hp/lp and maybe some compression, that's it.
the less eq you use the better it will sound
get a good tone to start, hp/lp and maybe some compression, that's it.

This is what I shoot for (but doesn't mean I have gotten there). Reamp reamp reamp with the actual amp until you dig the sound in the song. I go for ZERO professing afterwards.

I always endup with some cut at 400-500hz and a very small narrow cut at 1k. just me.
Lately I've been loving saturation plugins after eqing the guitars- seems to add alot of life to the tone, You've to keep an eye on the fizz but a little seems to make the guitars sit better with the drums and bass
Just out of curiosity when when you record DI with the same guitar and Amp Sim do you guys EQ both guitars separately and then send them to on buss or do you send them to one buss first and the EQ the together?
eq, multiband and sometimes a saturation plugin (PSP vintagewarmer, Tape-head,...)
Just out of curiosity when when you record DI with the same guitar and Amp Sim do you guys EQ both guitars separately and then send them to on buss or do you send them to one buss first and the EQ the together?

Buss them and eq separately, if I've got 2 amps I might send em to separate busses and process them differently
HP and LP, tiny bit of eq tweaking of necessary.
Compress if appropriate, more often than not just out of my personal preference.
sometimes use some saturation plugs, my go to plugin for EQ and Compression right now is the Blue Tube Analog Trackbox, which i bought when they had the offer available, just to test it, fell in love, which has a 12ax7 sim built in, adds a bit of bite if needed...

If its a clean track or something that requires a bit of ambiance, i tend to route it to a reverb bus and add a touch / automate it!
Just small, narrow dips (no more than 1 dB, ~.19 oct. Q) in certain problem spots, usually 400 + 700 Hz, and ReaXComp set up to tame the palm mutes