Post the coolest commercials

My all-time favorite:

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Ahh that Oreo beard commercial pisses me off. Yeah, now I'm hungry for pizza after seeing this dude with cookies all over his face.

Actually all the creepy-ish new fast food commercials are stupid. Burger King's are the worst with the "King" and that crazy chicken mascot and the burger suit people.
I DO like the Bud Light one where the gorillas in the zoo are plotting to steal the Bud Light keg, but one of them gets distracted by a photographer. Funny shit, I'll see if I can find it on YouTube after my noon meeting.

edit: here we go.

As much as I loathe FedEx, this SuperBowl commercial ruled:

Snickers also has a great tradition of funny commericals. Check out this one that got banned by the PC-police because it was "homophobic." Morons.

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