Post the most impressive rhythm playing you've ever heard in metal

I don't know how one can play this without taking a break through the whole song
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Not to sound like an asshole, but even I can play better than him.
Sure, post a link or it didn't happen. You do sound like an asshole. My post was actually about the playing in the original songs not about the player.
probably not the most impressive by some of the standards some of you may have but to me, I always looked up to Greg Fulton

and these guys were fucking sick back in the day
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Has anyone seen those Loudwire "battles" between musicians where they get one guy from one style versus another guy from a completely different style, and go.... durrrrr whozbettuR???

Yeah, this thread is just as retarded as that.
Has anyone seen those Loudwire "battles" between musicians where they get one guy from one style versus another guy from a completely different style, and go.... durrrrr whozbettuR???

Yeah, this thread is just as retarded as that.
Wha do ya mean?


I dunno, to me playing styles like haarp machine and soreption for example isn't really the version of "tight" I think is awesome.
Imitating unnatural editing sure takes a lot of dedication and skill and is impressive, but why you'd want to sound like a robot while playing?
The picking and stops of notes with a timing like that sounds ridiculously repetitive after a while to me.
Im voting Sylosis on this one. Necrophagist and Obscura are unbelievable players but that isnt what I think of when someone says good rhythm guitar playing, I would describe most of those "rhythms" as leads or melodies even if they arent being presented as such within the song structure.