Post the most impressive rhythm playing you've ever heard in metal


Jun 11, 2011
Yeah, I don't think I have heard anything more impressive than necrophagist/obscura. Maybe you guys that are more metal know some sick bands with intricate, interensting and really cool/impressive rhythm guitars. Please post. And Rings Of Saturn does not count, they have to be legit.
everything ratsapprentice posted + Soreption and Subconcious, too bad that I don't have anything to post from
Subconcious, awesome proggy death band from this area with really fucked up rhythms :D
The played a show with Soreption a few months ago, both bands were incredibly tight, but it was really hard to
bang your head to that shit ;)

This is some the best I've borne witness to. Listen to the pick attack all while maintaining expression.

Keith speaks for himself. Insane tone right from the hands.


Also hard to go past this guy ^!

I like that someone mentioned Nile. It's good to break up these threads with some light-hearted humor.
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Love watching this guy live...

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+1 to Josh / Sylosis - that guy's insanely good.
Loomis is obviously way up there too....

I'd also like to throw in Pat O'Brien / Cannibal Corpse. Really ballsy right hand technique.
to me this is impressive, can't tell if it's THE most impressive thing ever, but who cares.

just wanted to give a shout out to a fellow polish dude:

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They don't have to be THE most impressive, but just impressive enough for today's standards. Some good playing in those videos! The guys in Soreption are good, didn't know them!

Not technical but this also quite old, still the speed he plays some of the riffs are quite impressive.
Not sure if these guys can play live as tight as on studio, but anything by within the ruins, veil of maya, born of osiris, the faceless and black dahlia murder is killer. Symphony X and Children Of Bodom have badass rhythms too. Here's a new band that has been getting a little bit of recognition that plays incredible riffrs:

Although I don't like them too much, these guys are good

These guys too:
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