Post the riffs you are obsessed with right now

Lol, the thread is about riffs, not entire songs.
Also, wouldn't really say this song has "riffs" you can be obsessed with.
I'm not saying it's a bad song, because Tosin Abasi is a genius, but I think this thread is more aimed at songs which have clearly defined, catchy riffs that last for a reasonable period of time. I guess like, Black Sabbath's "Paranoid", definitely has that kinda thing, with riffs you can just latch onto, whereas AAL just has constantly changing ideas but not really any single riffs where you say "Wow, cool riff I wanna learn to play!", because the musical ideas only last for like 5 seconds heh. A lot of the AAL stuff is more lead playing than actual riffs anyway, which makes it harder to pin point riffs within the songs

This thread is about riffs, you're right. Well, since this thread is 100% opinion based... in my opinion, all of the riffs in this song I am thoroughly obsessed with. There's no need to trash on other's opinions and the songs they post. Just sayin.
I'm not complaining that you posted it by any means.
I did mean for it to be "moments" rather than entire songs, but no biggie :D

Also on the lamb of god thing.......

Log - Laid to rest
Testament - Into the pit

Do it.........they are almost exactly the same riff
and btw, that's not an acoustic in the video, the pickup has been removed...
The riff in Dare Force - Walkin' Out The Door.. good luck finding it on a stream though. :lol: