Post ugly pictures of yourselves!

@ Steve....Texas is pretty lame for the most part....except Austin, that's the fuckin' best we've got here :headbang: men's, i hear nothing but horror stories from those places....they kinda equal the men's pisser if i heard correctly :lol: :zombie:

@LR: hell yes....i love doin it :headbang:

@ ROJ...thanks:cool:

BUT IT"S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE CUTE...i thought it was a loserface:lol:
^hey you stfu:lol: :p jk

*digs through photobucket* do i need to remind you......

lol, you're really that girl? :lol:

what happened to your blonde (?) hair?

hahaha:lol: yes...that was me probably 3 yrs ago hair was fuckin' hideous, amongst other things:lol: i was so drunk and stoned off my ass that night... it was a marine friends coming home kegger that we had at my house...needless to say, if that doesn't explain a lot....:kickass: