Post ugly pictures of yourselves!

I win:


Me with Dez from DevilDriver, after getting thrashed like hell on the gate during the Borgir show... I look like shit and the funny thing is my hair was straight as fuck before the show... and he has a band-aid on cuz his doberman bit him when they were fucking around with some toy.


Me with Roope, and I fucked up the picture cuz it was cold as fuck that night, I wasn't sure they were taking the pic at that moment and I was making too gay of a pose and started to back out of it and the picture was taken mid-gr1m fagness. That is the result.


Me after the Soilwork concert, I think... pretty fucking wild show and I was on the gate fighting drunks all night, it ruled... but this is how every guy should look after a show, maybe with a little blood... if not you're a faggot.


The first and last time I ever wore make up... we were bored that night. I photoshopped the person out of the pic cuz she hates this forum with a passion.


More gay make up :ill:
:notworthy @ Night Reaper, that's hilarious! :lol: :lol: @ emptifier
@ Heartless...2nd pic is the best!!:lol:

@SteveAwesome....Maiden underoos :rock: with a fucked up hair tie that won't let go...those suck! may i suggest "ouchless" brand....

here's a few more i found... this one is about 3 years old or so at a friend's party...not sure what i was doing... (me on the right attacking her)


and here's one from the last year's b-day again...stupid ass drunk/stoned face :kickass: see any similarity to the one above???

here's a few more i found... this one is about 3 years old or so at a friend's party...not sure what i was doing... (me on the right attacking her)


and here's one from the last year's b-day again...stupid ass drunk/stoned face :kickass: see any similarity to the one above???



anyway, my zombie face picture (circa 2004) is well known around here:

