Post your 2013 hauls here!

matt schrauben

Curse You All Men!
Jan 24, 2006
Westphalia, MI
2013 was a good year, heck a great year in my opinion. Post your purchases of the past year here.

I think this is everything:

Alcest - Les Voyages De L'ame
Allen-Lande - The Battle
Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods
Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods (LP, picture disc)
Amorphis - Circle
Anathema - A Fine Day to Exit
Anathema - Judgement
Anathema - A Natural Disaster
Anathema - Pentecost III + Crestfallen EP
Anathema - Universal
Anathema -Weather Systems
Anathema - Untouchable (Double LP)
Avantasia - The Mystery of Time
Avantasia - The Mystery of Time (Double LP, Blue)
Beethoven - The Complete Piano Trios
Beethoven - The Complete Piano Trios (5 LPs)
Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Apassionite, Pathetique, and Moonlight. (LP)
Caladan Brood -Echoes of Battle
Celestiial - Desolate North (LP, white with black splatter)
Circle of Dead Children - Psalm of the Grand Destoryer (LP, orange/yellow marble)
Cynic - Focus (LP)
Deafheaven - Sunbather (2 LP, Red and Gold)
Deafheaven - Roads to Judah (LP, white with blue/black splatter)
Deeds of Flesh - Portals to Canaan
Dimmu Borgir - Abrahadabra
Dream Theater - Dream Theater (2 LP)
Eluveitie - The Early Years
Emperor - Equilibrium IX (LP, orange/brown marble)
Extol - Extol (LP, white)
Fleshgod Apocalypse - Labyrinth
Forlorn Path - Man's Last Portrait
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Axis: bold as love (LP, 1979 stereo reissue)
George Handel - The 12 Grand Concertos (3 LP)
In Flames - Sounds of a Playground Fading (2 LP)
Johnny Mathis - Merry Christmas
Judas Priest - Hellbent for Leather (LP, original 1978 pressing)
Katatonia - Dethroned and Uncrowned
Lamb of God - As The Palaces Burn 10th anniversary edition (LP, Red)
Lithium Dawn - AION
Loreena Mckennitt - The Book of Secerets
Metallica - And Justice for All (2 LP)
Oakhelm - Betwixt and Between (LP)
Paysage D'Hiver - Kristall and Isa
Paysage D'hiver - Einsamkeit
Paysage D'hiver - Das Tor
Paysage D'hiver - Schattengang
Paysage D'hiver - Steiniche
Paysage D'hiver - Winterkalte
Paysage D'hiver - Paysage D'hiver
Serenity - Words Untold Dream Unlived
Soilwork - The Living Infinite
Soilwork - The Living Infinite (2LP, clear with gold splatter)
Sonata Arctica - Winterheart's Guild
Sonata Arctica- Silence
Stratovarius - Nemesis
Striborg - Nefaria/Tragic Journey Towards the Light (2 LP, Clear)
Suffocation - Pinnacle of Bedlam (LP, orange and black splatter)
Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn
Time Life Treasury of Christmas (3LP original 1986 pressing)
Thrawsunblat - Canada 2010
Woodtemple - The Call from the Pagan Woods (LP)

That should be it. Great year, and there still a few more releases I need to pick up from 2013, like Ihsahn's "Das Seelenbrechen".

Share your hauls!

EDIT: Added my purchase of Eluveitie - The Early Years
EDIT 2: Added my purchase of Dimmu Borgir - Abrahadabra and Lithium Dawn - AION
Alice in Chains - The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here
Alter Bridge - Fortress
Avenged Sevenfold - Hail to the King (my biggest bummer buy of the year):
Ayreon- The Theory of Everything
Biffy Clyro - Opposites
Birds of Tokyo -March Fires
Blackfield - IV
Bolus- Delayed Reaction
Bolus- Triangulate
Bolus - Watch your step
Cage9 -How to shoot lasers from your eyes
Chaos Divine -The Human Connection
Coheed and Cambria - Afterman Decension
Conditions - Full of War
Dead Letter Circus - The Catalyst Fire
Demians - Building an Empire
Demians - Mute
Dream Theater - Scenes from A Memory (2LP)
Dream Theater - Self Titled (2LP) (they are back!! Love it the more i listen)
Eumeria - Rebel Mind
Fates Warning - Darkness in a different Light
Glass Empire - Cognitive Dissonance EP
Haken - The Mountain (best prog album i've heard in a long time)
I am Giant - The Horrifying Truth
James Labrie - Impermanent Resonance
Jolly - Audio Guide to Happiness Part 2
Karnivool - Asymmetry
Katatonia - Viva Emptiness (REISSUE)
King Crow - In Crescendo
King Crow - Phlegethon
Klone - The Dreamers Hideaway
Leprous - Coal
Leprous - Bilatteral
Lithium Dawn - AION
Mandroid Echostar - Citadels
Pinnick Gales Pridgen - Self Titled
Riverside - Shrine of new Generation Slaves
RPWL - Beyond Man and Time
Sketching in Stereo - Watching Waiting Wanting
Sleep Parade - Inside/Out
Soilwork - The living infinite
Sound City - Reel to Reel
Spock's Beard - Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep (2LP)
Steven Wilson - Raven that Refused to Sing (2LP)
Symphony X - Iconoclast (2LP)
Thank You Scientist - Maps of Non-Existent Places
The Aristocrats - Culture Clash
The Dear Hunter - Migrant
The Reign of Kindo - This is what happens (Scott I think you would like this
pop/jazz/prog with very poppy
The Winery Dogs - Self Titled
Whitherscape - The Inheritance (Listened to this for the first time today and
had to buy it. Will be making my top 10 of the year after one listen)
My top 10 of the year are as follows:

10. Whitherscape - Inheritance (one listen was all i needed to know this album is amazing.. I'm sure if i had more time with it it would be higher up.
9. Alterbridge - Fortress (this can't even be described as regular hard rock anymore, myles kennedy and mark tremonti went full metal with this one and the riffs are fantastic.
8. Fates Warning - Darkness in a different light (probably my 2nd favorite album they've ever done. Behind a pleasant shade of gray)
7. Winery Dogs - S/T ( rock n roll with great hooks and chris cornellish style singing.. Another one of Mike Portnoy's new bands. )
6. Jolly - Audio Guide Part 2 (Up and coming prog band, seeing them live put this album over the top for me.)
5. Leprous - Coal (more laid back than bilatteral but still amazing.. I actually just read today that they are the back up band for Ihsahn when he does solo shows)
4. Steven Wilson - Raven that refused to sing ( no matter what direction SW goes in I end up loving it. this one is no different, the musicianship of this album is mind blowing. )
3. Soil Work - The Living Inifinite (Thanks Matt! This album didn't leave my car for almost two months which is unheard of now a days. Production and song writing are just top notch. )
2. Dream Theater - S/T (This album grows on me with every listen. Only thing I don't like is the snare drum!) Mangini is a monster though.
1. Haken - The Mountain (The best prog album since probably scenes from a memory IMO. They get a little quirky at times but it's so good you easily look past it.
Breakdown of my top albums:

1. Soilwork - The Living Infinite.
Hands down this was the best album, and that’s saying something because there were a TON of sweet albums this year. The fact they blew all expectations out of the water after Peter Wichers left the band is also a pretty huge contributing factor.

2. Dream Theater – Dream Theater
A return to form if you ask me. This band sounds fresher and more excited abou their future than they have in a long time. A good hark back to the days of Six Degress and Images and Words.

3. Deafheaven – Sunbather
Quite possibly the best up and coming band around today. Their take on black metal, post metal, and shoegaze is one I find both enticing and strikingly original. A band to watch for sure. I can’t wait to see what they do next.

4. Fleshgod Apocalypse – Labyrinth
First time I ever listened to Fleshgod was when songs were released promoting this new album. I was blown away. Symphonic metal isn’t anything new, but the way these guys blend brutal death metal with symphonic elements is stunning to say the least. I need to acquite the rest of their catalog.

5. Avantasia – They Mystery of Time
Finally, after years of waitng, Tobais Sammet finally releases something that isn’t wore down in mediocrity. This is the best Avanatasia release since the Metal Opera series. Given this new album is the first part of a new series, I anticipate the next few installments.

6. Amon Amarth – Deceiver of the Gods
Amon Amarth returns with what they do best. Chuncky, melodic, death metal with lyrics concerning all thinks Viking. With an amazingly graphic song like “Blood Eagle” and the epic “Warriors of the North” this album is quite possibly their best one. Each song is highly memorable, and it feels they took a bit more time writing these tunes. Pick it up.

7. Suffocation – Pinnacle of Bedlam
My first vinyl purchase and first Suffocation purchase. I have an odd relationship with Suffocation. They are one of those bands I’ve always loved, but for some reason, never got around to buying their material. I thought enough was enough and picked up this album. Wow. Brutal, fast, heavy, technical, AND catchy. These guys know how to write some of the best death metal riffs I’ve heard. I can hear “Sullen Days” in my head right now. What a great verse riff.

8. Extol – Extol
After nearly a decade of silence, these guys came back in full force. Technical, and heavy, this album does not disappoint. Lyrically this is quite positive and uplifitng (it’s Extol, after all) and the largness of the music here only pushes that feeling even more. I hope they stay together and release some more albums, because they obviously have the skill to make some amazing music.
9. Anathema – Universal

Yeah, I know. I can already hear, “hey this is a LIVE album, not a studio one!” Well, I don’t care. This DVD/CD/LP is so f-ing amazing that it deserves a place on this list. I’m not even going to describe it, it’s indescribable. Do yourself a favor and pick up the DVD/CD combo or the Blu-ray. You will not regret it.

10. Summoning – Old Mornings Dawn
Summoning is another band I failed to check out until they came out with this album. I kept hearing praise after praise and said, “ALRIGHT, I’ll buy it!” Glad I did. Previously I had bought Caladan Brood’s “Echoes of Battle” prior to listening to this and was impressed with that album, so I was already in the Epic Black Metal mood when spinning this record. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. They definitley are the masters of the genre and have a song writing style that creates images of epic battles being waged across mass, mountianous landscapes. Sorry Caladan Brood, you are great, but Summoning will always have the upper hand.

Honerable mentions:

Amorphis – Circle.
This album was good, very good, however it didn’t have much return value for me. I was pleased with the album, but overall expected better.

Stratovarius – Nemesis.
This album was also good, but worse than its predecessor, “Elysium” which was worse than its predecessor, “Polaris”. Good, but disappointing to see Startovarius going downhill each album.

Deeds of Flesh – Portals to Canaan.
This album is really sweet, but when it’s all said and done, it’s nothing Suffocation isn’t doing better. Worth noting as a honorable mention, but not in a top 10 list.

Caladan Brood – Echoes of Battle.
This album is a great slab of epic Black Metal, but it’s pretty much pure Summoning worship. Which is fine, Summoning is great (which is why they made it in the top 10). This album suffers from songs that are longer than they need to be, doing what Summoning already is doing but not as well, and a running time of 70+ minutes without ever really changing tempos. In other words, it runs together pretty fast. This album came close to being #10, but Summoning’s “Old Mornings Dawn” beats this out with its more consise, well written approach to epic Black Metal.

Paysage D'hiver - Das Tor
This is the latest "Demo" that Paysage D'hiver released earlier this year. It's a great album, as usual by them, however, something seemed to be lacking on this release that was present on previous releases such as "Winterkalte" and "Paysage D'hiver". Das Tor has less variatey and the 4 songs have pretty similar structures. Don't get me wrong this album is great, just not top 10 great.


None. I don’t buy shitty music.
I may have missed a couple:

Amorphis: Silent Waters (ltd)
Amorphis: The Beginning of Times (ltd)
Amorphis: Skyforger (ltd)
Amorphis: Eclipse (ltd)
Amorphis: Magic and Mayhem
Amorphis: Circle (Korean import)
Amorphis: Forging the Land of Thousand Lakes
Amaranthe: The Nexus (digi)
Amaranthe: The Nexus (single)
Arctic Monkeys: AM (what a piece of shit)
Circa Survive: Violent Waves
Dagoba: Post Mortem Nihil Est
Dark Tranquillity: Damage Done (reissue)
Dark Tranquillity: Fiction
Dark Tranquillity: We Are The Void (Tour Edition)
Dark Tranquillity: Lost to Apathy EP
Dark Tranquillity: Construct
Disarmonia Mundi: Mind Tricks (re-release)
Elvenking: The Scythe (ltd. digi)
Elvenking: The Scythe (Japan import)
Elvenking: Red Silent Tides (picture disc)
Elvenking: Red Silent Tides (Japan import)
Fear Factory: The Industrialist
Jolly: The Audio Guide to Happiness, Part 2
Katatonia: Night is the new Day
Keane: Strangeland (ltd)
Masterplan: Time To Be King
Mnemic: Mnemesis (japan import)
Mnemic: Mechanical Spin Phenomena (EP)
One Way Mirror: Destructive by Nature
Pagan's Mind: Heavenly Ecstacy (ltd)
Paradise Lost: Anatomy of Melancholy
Paradise Lost: Tragic Illusion
Poets of the Fall: Live DVD (forgot the name of it lol)
Skeletonwitch: Serpents Unleashed
Soilwork: The Living Infinite
Soilwork: Sworn to a Great Divide (japan import)
Sonic Syndicate: Burn This City EP
Sonic Syndicate: Revolution Baby EP
Woods of Ypres: Independent Nature
3 Inches of Blood: Fire Up The Blades (Japan import)
3 Inches of Blood: Live at Mushroom (set of 3 7" vinyls)
Breakdown of my top albums:
have the skill to make some amazing music.
9. Anathema – Universal

Yeah, I know. I can already hear, “hey this is a LIVE album, not a studio one!” Well, I don’t care. This DVD/CD/LP is so f-ing amazing that it deserves a place on this list. I’m not even going to describe it, it’s indescribable. Do yourself a favor and pick up the DVD/CD combo or the Blu-ray. You will not regret it.


This is absolutely stunning. I think was almost in tears after the first song on concert they did with the orchestra.

Next time they come to the US i will be going no matter what.
Breakdown of my top albums:

1. Soilwork - The Living Infinite.
Hands down this was the best album, and that’s saying something because there were a TON of sweet albums this year. The fact they blew all expectations out of the water after Peter Wichers left the band is also a pretty huge contributing factor.

2. Dream Theater – Dream Theater
A return to form if you ask me. This band sounds fresher and more excited abou their future than they have in a long time. A good hark back to the days of Six Degress and Images and Words.

3. Deafheaven – Sunbather
Quite possibly the best up and coming band around today. Their take on black metal, post metal, and shoegaze is one I find both enticing and strikingly original. A band to watch for sure. I can’t wait to see what they do next.

4. Fleshgod Apocalypse – Labyrinth
First time I ever listened to Fleshgod was when songs were released promoting this new album. I was blown away. Symphonic metal isn’t anything new, but the way these guys blend brutal death metal with symphonic elements is stunning to say the least. I need to acquite the rest of their catalog.

5. Avantasia – They Mystery of Time
Finally, after years of waitng, Tobais Sammet finally releases something that isn’t wore down in mediocrity. This is the best Avanatasia release since the Metal Opera series. Given this new album is the first part of a new series, I anticipate the next few installments.

6. Amon Amarth – Deceiver of the Gods
Amon Amarth returns with what they do best. Chuncky, melodic, death metal with lyrics concerning all thinks Viking. With an amazingly graphic song like “Blood Eagle” and the epic “Warriors of the North” this album is quite possibly their best one. Each song is highly memorable, and it feels they took a bit more time writing these tunes. Pick it up.

7. Suffocation – Pinnacle of Bedlam
My first vinyl purchase and first Suffocation purchase. I have an odd relationship with Suffocation. They are one of those bands I’ve always loved, but for some reason, never got around to buying their material. I thought enough was enough and picked up this album. Wow. Brutal, fast, heavy, technical, AND catchy. These guys know how to write some of the best death metal riffs I’ve heard. I can hear “Sullen Days” in my head right now. What a great verse riff.

8. Extol – Extol
After nearly a decade of silence, these guys came back in full force. Technical, and heavy, this album does not disappoint. Lyrically this is quite positive and uplifitng (it’s Extol, after all) and the largness of the music here only pushes that feeling even more. I hope they stay together and release some more albums, because they obviously have the skill to make some amazing music.
9. Anathema – Universal

Yeah, I know. I can already hear, “hey this is a LIVE album, not a studio one!” Well, I don’t care. This DVD/CD/LP is so f-ing amazing that it deserves a place on this list. I’m not even going to describe it, it’s indescribable. Do yourself a favor and pick up the DVD/CD combo or the Blu-ray. You will not regret it.

10. Summoning – Old Mornings Dawn
Summoning is another band I failed to check out until they came out with this album. I kept hearing praise after praise and said, “ALRIGHT, I’ll buy it!” Glad I did. Previously I had bought Caladan Brood’s “Echoes of Battle” prior to listening to this and was impressed with that album, so I was already in the Epic Black Metal mood when spinning this record. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. They definitley are the masters of the genre and have a song writing style that creates images of epic battles being waged across mass, mountianous landscapes. Sorry Caladan Brood, you are great, but Summoning will always have the upper hand.

Honerable mentions:

Amorphis – Circle.
This album was good, very good, however it didn’t have much return value for me. I was pleased with the album, but overall expected better.

Stratovarius – Nemesis.
This album was also good, but worse than its predecessor, “Elysium” which was worse than its predecessor, “Polaris”. Good, but disappointing to see Startovarius going downhill each album.

Deeds of Flesh – Portals to Canaan.
This album is really sweet, but when it’s all said and done, it’s nothing Suffocation isn’t doing better. Worth noting as a honorable mention, but not in a top 10 list.

Caladan Brood – Echoes of Battle.
This album is a great slab of epic Black Metal, but it’s pretty much pure Summoning worship. Which is fine, Summoning is great (which is why they made it in the top 10). This album suffers from songs that are longer than they need to be, doing what Summoning already is doing but not as well, and a running time of 70+ minutes without ever really changing tempos. In other words, it runs together pretty fast. This album came close to being #10, but Summoning’s “Old Mornings Dawn” beats this out with its more consise, well written approach to epic Black Metal.

Paysage D'hiver - Das Tor
This is the latest "Demo" that Paysage D'hiver released earlier this year. It's a great album, as usual by them, however, something seemed to be lacking on this release that was present on previous releases such as "Winterkalte" and "Paysage D'hiver". Das Tor has less variatey and the 4 songs have pretty similar structures. Don't get me wrong this album is great, just not top 10 great.


None. I don’t buy shitty music.

Look for a video version of this coming soon. :danceboy:

Maybe with a couple rack focus shots of my Christmas tree, because otherwise what's the point?