Post your desktops! (Version Idon'tfuckingcare)

So far I'd say mine is the best. My taskbar is usually auto-hide though.
I'd hold off on that 24", Mike. It's going to be replaced by a model like the current 27", brushed aluminum and all, sometime next quarter. You'll probably be able to scoop up the old model on sale or get the new shiny one.

extended desktop, bitches.
Man do I feel gay. Am I the only one without an evil desktop? What can i say, I love dementing my niece and nephew. She's sorta evil, and he's sorta gross.


...Whether or not thats a ball, I still took advantage.

That's awesome. It's actually a plastic Easter egg that had candy in it. She's too young for chocolate, so she kept stealing her brothers. She was mad when we took her candy away, he thought it was funny.
dude, you gotta dell.

ps, if im not on that list "neverboard members id boink" then i dont ever want to speak to you again.