Post your desktops! (Version Idon'tfuckingcare)

It tells the story of a young orphan girl who has to sell crack, but when that is not enough her body, and soul...
I was running 2 21" sony trinitrons, until one finally went, then the other was just too far gone.

Just running on a 19" LG now, and waiting to get a second. Dual Monitor is so worth it.
Ok, so vista definitely has the linux flavor there, I thought you were using KDE. Which is... in.. vista.

Weird docking thingy.

How does vista run? sound and music ok? Games run ok? Any problems?
No Vista here. I'm running XP. I use WindowsBlinds to change the look. I can't stand the bright blue bar, with the green button. And then Aquadock for the... dock.

I have a friend who used Vista a few times. He didn't seem to like it very much. the interface bothered him, but in the same breath, he said it was very customizable. Music and video apparently runs very well. He didn't test out any games, but I'd imagine they run alright. Beyond that, he didn't say much about any problems.

I've been debating trying out Vista, but then I remind myself how long it took Microsoft to work out XP's many kinks. I used '98 for years after XP was released. I use Linux on my PS3, and actually I've been thinking about running that on my PC.

And hopefully your last post was directed at me...