Post your metal party pics!!!

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I'll start it off...Pasquetta...the day after Easter. Most people take picnics in Italy and stuff, so we had the Anti-Pasquetta and organized all our friends and their bands together in the middle of nowhere to just go crazy and eat, drink, and have fun. Here's some of the debauchery:


Me and Annalisa just chilling because we couldn't stand up


Some pics of one of our shows in my old just turned ugly because everyone drank too much and it turned into more of a "let's smash everything we can" instead of a concert. The sombrero just kept going around from band member to band member to mosher to people in the crowd. Good times...



what's with the camo shorts?

DON'T ASK ME. We all met there later at the place and everyone's wearing camo pants or shorts. Fucking gay. I wear mine all the time because they're comfortable and I don't consciously think about what I'm going to wear to a show. Plus mine are fucking real anyway since I've actually been to Iraq. I felt like such a fucking dork, but the show was crappy anyway because everyone was jumping on tables and throwing shit around and falling. The one man pit was my friend who completely loses his mind when he drinks. The reason there was a one man pit was because he poured beer all over my then-bassist and in turn my then-bassist poured beer all over him...right where the pit woulda been. So there's a huge puddle of beer on the floor and no one can stand up because everyone keeps busting their asses. It was very comical and very ironic because the weekend before we had a kickass show with a couple of hundred people in this little club and everyone was going insane. My friend was at that show too and he kept stage diving and stage diving and when everyone got tired of carrying his big ass, they stopped catching him...but he kept stage diving. I think he broke a rib at that show. Then he comes to this one and can't stand up because he's so out of his mind and keeps busting his ass over and over. Everyone there was just watching him go crazy and laughing instead of moshing with him. Shitty concert, but it was funny.

This is an old pic, that band was just for fun for me. They're still together but I've moved on to bigger and better endeavors. My new project will be an album/demo first, THEN playing around. There are TONS of metal bands in this area, but it's a little oversaturated. I want my project to stay in the dark for a while and then when it's finally finished and perfect to just explode and melt everyone's fucking faces.