post your pic.....

Well here I am :)

Me in Olympia on vacation hehe

Me with my some kind of sister rofl (our grandfathers are cousins or something rofl) (check my Viva emptiness shirt too, hardly visible but still :p)

Oh yeah and the tr00 cvlt pic :p:

Oh and before I forget, the hot gf :):
Shit! those pics are too big!
But we all love scrolling, don't we? ;)

Btw, how old are you, metal_elf? You look young, but your gf looks younger (and she is pretty indeed :))

@dan: that little girl is beautiful! my congrats for having such a sweetie with you.
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
Shit! those pics are too big!
But we all love scrolling, don't we? ;)

Btw, how old are you, metal_elf? You look young, but your gf looks younger (and she is pretty indeed :))

meh scrolling is überfun :lol:
I'm 16-17 whatever you want, my bday 's only in december so yeah :erk:
gf is2 years younger well actually she's 15 and i'm still 16 so 1 year and a bit lol, so yeah she's younger idd but a hell of a lot prettier :lol:

Cerulean said:
Hey Elf, speelt gij bas? :D
Heb da altijd willen doen maar mn vingers zijn niet geschikt voor gitaar enzo :mad: :waah:

Irja said:
olympia???this is my dad's homeland
Well I didn't see him I think :lol: