post your pic.....

Candy visited me at the weekend.
It was very nice, altough she was pretty sleepy most of the time.
@Silent Paragon: :) Thanks for that! And nope, don't recall it hehe...but very striking work. Excellent photography.

@Unicorn: That dog, errr...puppy? Well, isn't that just the cutest thing in the world. I'll be damned...its face is flawless. Ahaha, gotta love them ears as well - hell yeah!
@Silent Paragon: :) Thanks for that! And nope, don't recall it hehe...but very striking work. Excellent photography.
Thankyou. That photo is part of a series of six photos that I took last year. I used them as one of my school portfolios. If it weren’t for Katatonia, this forum, and my buddy Kevin, I don’t think I would ever have taken self portraits.

Here are the other five photos:
"Lord of the Weed" haha that was funny... Although I prefer bigger dogs, I must say I love Candy. She looks so sweet and tiny and like a teddy bear.. makes me wanna squeeze her. And pull the hair around her face like Swany said hehe.
Here is a Husky called Snow that I LOVE. It's one of my bf's dogs [the other one is a Rottweiler called Sauron, lol, that I also love but still don't have any pics]. Snow likes to play a kind of "peek-a-boo" haha and runs away and hides every time you go to him. And every time I go to the house, he comes running and jumping to me and kisses my hands while I pet him... As a child, I always wanted to have a Husky, especially mostly white like Snow is, so I'm totally in love with this dog :)

His eyes are brown, and one of them has a little light-blue spot that makes him look lovely. Besides, as you can see, he's a big poser too.
flufy dogs :D... i want a big dog like that too... someday when i get my own house :D...bad thing is big dogs are for the outdors and in winter is impossible to have them sleep outside here, they would freeze to death, but i think i want a husky too :D, and like at least another 2 Chihuahuas <3