post your pic.....

:OMG: how could you...!'s nothing personal against the band
I didn't even know what they sounded like before tumn zycloned me to death(streaming yay).
It's just their name that gives a nazi feeling...the whole gas chambers in the holocaust thing.
but hey...there's nothing nazi about their music and they are pretty åsome so it's cool.

so have I earned back the love of the swan(y)? *katajoke*
me and myself.. (we didn't invite I :waah: )

untitled1copyfn1.jpg's nothing personal against the band
I didn't even know what they sounded like before tumn zycloned me to death(streaming yay).
It's just their name that gives a nazi feeling...the whole gas chambers in the holocaust thing.
but hey...there's nothing nazi about their music and they are pretty åsome so it's cool.

so have I earned back the love of the swan(y)? *katajoke*
Nah, and even if you had something personal against them... it still wouldn't be my business. Buuut... what's "nazi" about the name Zyklon? It's not that gas-thing "Zyklon B"... it's some kind of hurricane/taifun (Cyclone) ... at least I always thought they're referring to that [because it's that in german, ye know] :loco:
But yaaaay... they're great <3

Oh, why you wanna have the love of the swan(y)? Didn't you know that when you have no one, no one can hurt you? *LOL* :Smug:
what's "nazi" about the name Zyklon? It's not that gas-thing "Zyklon B"... it's some kind of hurricane/taifun (Cyclone) ... at least I always thought they're referring to that [because it's that in german, ye know] :loco:

samoth first formed the band zyklon-b and then zyklon. he claims that zyklon has to do with cyclone and not the gas, but it's a bit shady at least.
samoth first formed the band zyklon-b and then zyklon. he claims that zyklon has to do with cyclone and not the gas, but it's a bit shady at least.

Read the lyrics to Zyklon, they aren't nazi/Jewish related or anything. Faust writes them all though, and he's not even in the band.
Zyklon-B is a project band started by Samoth of Emperor/Burzum/Satyricon/Arcturus back in 1993. It is kind of a cult band 'cause they've only made one record, which is about hate and death, and which was recorded in the middle of all the chaos in Norway with burning down christian churches, the killing of Euronymous of Mayhem etc. Samoth got Frost of Satyricon to join the band on drums. As Samoth expresses, this is not a nazi- nor a racist band. It is an aggresion against the downfall of humanity, that is practically at it's end with no decency and values left. People tend to get nazi associations because of the bandname Zyklon-B, which is a chemical substance also called blue acid (HydrogeneCyanide). It was used during the period of holocaust in the nazi koncentrazion camps in Poland, Auschwitz and Birkenau. The chemical was supposed to have been used to kill jews, as it, when in liquid form and exposed to temperatures exceeding 25,7 degrees celsius, boils and creates a gas that penetrates your skin and kills you within a short period of time. It is also used as an insectkiller.