Alright, what the fuck. Been a Kat fan since BMD, thanks to the internet and mp3 sample (yep they were around back then) so this is me.
My lovely girlfriend an me last halloween, don't ask me waht the fuck I was trying to be

alright, a zombie is what it started as...
Another picture of Casey. We both like to read, I even like some books without pictures.
A few of my heroes. They're all fictional.
Yes, I am an alcoholic, but only when I drink - which isn't a lot really, but when I do...look out liver.
My first adventure in Mobile Suit Gundam! Look at all those pieces, that's about most of them.
That is Zodiac the cat. Named after the infamous Zodiac killer!
The old party pad, I had the whole basement (with fireplace) to myself. Attention BWBK, california is not the first Emperor appearance in NA, I still have a signed poster to prove it.
MMF (RIP?) some years ago.
Good ol' Montana redneck gathering at the hill climbs.