post your pic.....

LifeDepraved said:
A friend of mine once tried to get me to listen to HIM. I downloaded one track and after listening to about 20 seconds of that shit, I felt like burning it to CD just so I could snap the disk in half. Holly crap there a shity band. &#8220;Love metal&#8221; is an oxymoron, much like &#8220;hardcore emo&#8221;.

I took more photos today (who would have gust?). You can see one of them below and two more here.

EDIT: holly shit, i got post #666. I must be some kind of evil satanic death warrior!!!1!!!!!!one

HIM blows ass. Ville looks like a fairy.

Great pics always!

hailz satatnik 666 unholy warrior ov nokturnal kvltness to the 666nd degree!!1 ARGHH!!!!!!AHAHHRRHRHRHGGGHGH!!!!!!!!!!11111two
hugot said:
its about color indeed, even us with dark colored eyes suffer under the sun, but i heard somewhere that light colors suffer even more and are more prone to diseases like astigmatism and so..

by the way, yeah, Eve L. rules hehe..


guess what eye "disease" i have:cry: :lol:
Irja said:
guess what eye "disease" i have:cry: :lol:

I want to say astigmatism... but i could be wrong hehe...

Eve L.'s grimm-troo-kvltness dried those satanic and lonely trees!!!:heh: she eats trolls for dessert!!

so this is me... im the one in the middle in the tool shirt (yeah!!!) with two of my best friends.. dont see them much now but hey, friends are always there arent they?

worst. whiskey. ever.
dunno who i was talking to. probably no one.
i thought you guys would appreiciate this more then the average person. vlad the impaler vodka. sweet.

noodles and ketchup.

okay. this is the best pic. i was so drunk i grabbed my bedsheet, tied it around me, and pretended i was Cesar dictating my demands to the senate. wow. well regardless i won the debate.
Hey hugot, so nice to finally see you, indeed... :)

Scourge of Malice: your pics always make me laugh... and I like your hair. Mine is a mess right now (and always). Btw, the pic where you are sitting and looking at the camera you look like such a good boy... haha.. but there's still a bit of evilness in your eyes.

Drk4fearofailure: your pics made me laugh too... I think you were a bit drunk... :loco: Except the one of the noodles that seem maggots :ill:
im totally down with becoming horrible plumbers. wouldnt that be funny if somebody turned on their cold water and got what they just put in the toilet. ha...ha...and angelina...
spagetti maggots are the best.

The creepy "Type O Negative" Cemetary look.

The "I'm going to work and plz look into my eyes beautiful" look.

My basketball card

50 Cent doing vox for teh PETH!

The "I'm drunk and you're looking sexy" picture.
hey man wouldnt that be funny if we found a different hobby besides drinking. id totally laugh. then id take another shot.
Drk4fearofailure said:
hey man wouldnt that be funny if we found a different hobby besides drinking. id totally laugh. then id take another shot.

I'd be like "Hey, remember that time I never did not just drink that whole bottle of Jack Daniels over there" *collapses on cheese grader and people magazine issue 43 volume 21"
why's everyone so proud of his drinking? I like to drink too, but I'm not exposing it like this,...every time I can! It's strange if nobody else noticed this