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MadTinus said:So you're suggesting to change her nick to 'terminal disease'..?
Seriously, you're really pretty, disease, beautiful eyes and beautiful skin.
I was talking about
MadTinus said:So you're suggesting to change her nick to 'terminal disease'..?
Seriously, you're really pretty, disease, beautiful eyes and beautiful skin.
no doubtparadoxile said:desease's pic would fit well in "suicide girls",don't you think?
I was just kidding manparadoxile said:I was talking about
Drk4fearofailure said:isn't there a Nazi music group make up of young blond girls? thats what that pic reminds me of.
oh lucky youCerulean said:Yeah that's why I was compaining cos she resized it... I SAW THE BIG VERSION
paradoxile said:This forum is like a Jack Slater movie(Last action hero with mr Austrian govrenor of California)
only pretty girls, no normal people and everyone is a comic
FatefuL said:thats simply becouse Kata fans are the greatest people in the globe.. :Smug:
May I ask why you listen to Usher and ShakiraFatefuL said:thats simply becouse Kata fans are the greatest people in the globe.. :Smug:
Jesus Christ I though it was obvious as hell that I wasn't all that seriousKatatonica said:i bet they can...anyone who has a voice can growl...(not necessarly good quality growls) plus ppl like the ckich from The gathering (Anneke van...) doesnt growl and it stills pretty damned awesome....
openmindedness ppl, openmindedness