post your pic.....

I put this painting from a series I am doing on sale online today and already sold it.



Rockspider - acrylic on canvas (means pedophile in Australian prisons)


Waiting to sell it...waiting.


Sold! yay moneh.
this picture was taken about 5 years's were I grew up.. I was out walking with my friend and he took a picture of me looking at the water..
Always thought it looked really cool
Very beautiful picture! I´d like to know why we get thoughtful observing a lake, river, ocean...

It's the ocean...I think we were testing his new camera...I can't remember if he photoshoped it or not....It's how I got it....:lol:And the reason why I look like the undead is, that I was trying to keep my balance
This one we took the same day...we were trying to make cool/scary looking pictures...I'm pretty sure this wasn't photoshopped
Ey, Illnath, what kind of camera where you guys using?

The first one is wonderful even if it's photoshopped or not. It doesn't look very manipulated, but if it is, then it's very well manipulated. Have to appreciate that too ;)