post your pic.....

I went to about 15 or so. Most were dumps, had 12 people living in them or none of them spoke English. I found a nice one sharing with 3 other students. They're not metal heads or anything but they are cool people.

Back to the topic of this thread. I got a new laptop today annnnnnnnnnd it has a web cam so here are some stupid web cam photos.


Metal curtains ftw?


I bet this is what most people look like on web cam...


Oh yeah plus I got a hair cut.

Up in the Snowy Mountains on Kosciuszko last week as part of my vacation.


Almost ran over one of the locals hehe.


The lake by night at Bermagui.


Boyfriend in the Blue Pool at Bermagui.


Me in was fucking cold but lovely still.


Inside the Yarrangobilly Caves.


More locals.


Hard to see but it's a platypus!


My man catching our lunch.


.. and here it is before cooked.

Um.. what kind of animal is the first local? Looks.. interesting..

Wombat! Usually I only see them dead beside the road so this time it was nice to see a live one, and slow down enough for him to pass cause the roads were dead empty out there. The place I was staying is a "ski field" for the winter so in summer it is pretty empty.

Yay you got braids back Eve!
stupid webcam photos.. documenting the life of couchpotatoes ftw! :D
Yay! your webcam is so much more grim and frostbitten than mine.


Up in the Snowy Mountains on Kosciuszko last week as part of my vacation.
I'm really stuck as to just where you are sitting in this photo. It could be about 7 different places. My best guess is the deck at Perisher mid station looking back down towords front valley, but then one of the lift towers doesn't make sense... maybe the bottom of Mount P.

yeah cool pics, i wish it were summer here :(
I wish it was winter here. Swap?

Wombat! Usually I only see them dead beside the road so this time it was nice to see a live one, and slow down enough for him to pass cause the roads were dead empty out there. The place I was staying is a "ski field" for the winter so in summer it is pretty empty.

Yay you got braids back Eve!
I was driving back to Guthega from Jindy after a gig one night, about 11:30. Saw 9 wombats! They are not very smart animals and at night thay just stand in the the middle of the road and look at your headlights.


Me and my mum in the Snowys a few weeks ago. We were on our way out to that pointy bit there.
Yay! your webcam is so much more grim and frostbitten than mine.

I'm really stuck as to just where you are sitting in this photo. It could be about 7 different places. My best guess is the deck at Perisher mid station looking back down towords front valley, but then one of the lift towers doesn't make sense... maybe the bottom of Mount P.

I wish it was winter here. Swap?

I was driving back to Guthega from Jindy after a gig one night, about 11:30. Saw 9 wombats! They are not very smart animals and at night thay just stand in the the middle of the road and look at your headlights.


Me and my mum in the Snowys a few weeks ago. We were on our way out to that pointy bit there.

I was at Gunema Lodge in Smiggins Holes. Was rather cold for summer out there. Lovely!