post your pic.....



that's real weird, you two look like two people i knew that are now married (they live in canada though)
Going to Melbs tomorrow for the day to enroll for Tafe and its going to be like 43 degrees or something. eep!

He's coming to my city when I am in Sydney :(
When are you in Sydney? I'll be back there end of February.

Brisbane needs loving too.
Come south, it's more grim and frostbitten.

err... to stay on topic here is a photo my head getting eaten by a large format camera...
Going to Melbs tomorrow for the day to enroll for Tafe and its going to be like 43 degrees or something. eep!

When are you in Sydney? I'll be back there end of February.

Come south, it's more grim and frostbitten.

err... to stay on topic here is a photo my head getting eaten by a large format camera...

Will be there heaps in Feb. Boyfriend has course to do there and I have concerts to do there :) Are you going to Cult of Luna?


I really really want one of these. At at bar in Adelaide.
err... to stay on topic here is a photo my head getting eaten by a large format camera...

goddamn those large format cameras annoy the shit out of me. spend all day just getting everything right for one shot and then it turns out crap and you have to do it all over again. many a days last year were spent in studios achieving nothing. but i guess that's all part of the fun.
Will be there heaps in Feb. Boyfriend has course to do there and I have concerts to do there :) Are you going to Cult of Luna?
I'll be in Sydney from the 21st to the 24th of February for NIN. No I'm not going to Cult of Luna but have fun.

Everyone needs a massive suit of armour.
Of course they do. A lazy Sunday afternoon Jousting session just wouldn't be the same with out one.

My pajamas have camouflage print on them, just in case a war brakes out during the night.

goddamn those large format cameras annoy the shit out of me. spend all day just getting everything right for one shot and then it turns out crap and you have to do it all over again. many a days last year were spent in studios achieving nothing. but i guess that's all part of the fun.
I hate large format, with a passion. Particularly when you have been standing there in the dark dipping those film brackets in and out of tanks for half an hour and you finally get to the wash and you turn the light on only to find out your sheet of film fell out of the damn bracket and is still siting in the fucking dev!


Yes it's good to learn about shineflug but can't they just use DSLR's and a tilt shift lens?