post your pic.....

I found a cool pic of me in the net. Thanks to whoever it took ;)
*insert dramatic cathedral choir*
Look who's emerging from the mist & smoke, to hover towards the eternal light!!!
Jesus? Unicorn!!! ;D
I really enjoy this picture, great shot... though your expression and the lighting/smoke is quite epic... when I see it I feel like writing random stuff on it *lol* but naah, it's really nice! Just a little colourless, your green one will remain my fave, ne~

@pwd: those icicles are gorgeous! I haven't seem some in ages!
@pwg. Frostbitten! Can I have one?

@Katie. Yeah they normally have a few in winter, just Aussie bands though and mostly like, hip hop or something. I saw Cog there.

Crappy MySpazzz photos in the mirror, except using the web cam instead of a camera. Plus I had a weird dream about big white angel wings last night. Like those ones everyone has in Second Life. err...
I decided to go out into my garden earlier for some random pictures, felt like doing it, even though it was a bit cold:

^ I had that creepy picture from the booklet of Brave Murder Day in mind when I took this. Not as creepy, but nobody's garden is that cool.

^ My not fully awake self

^ A bit cliched, maybe, but I thought it looked nice and Winter-y

I liked how dense that shit looked when i zoomed in

I need to take pictures more often, and get better at it. I didn't buy a camera for nothing, after all.
I decided to go out into my garden earlier for some random pictures, felt like doing it, even though it was a bit cold:

^ I had that creepy picture from the booklet of Brave Murder Day in mind when I took this. Not as creepy, but nobody's garden is that cool.

^ My not fully awake self

The first one, I started counting the nails to see if there were nine of them...

The second one, Dude! you are fucking grim.

Anyway, sweet photos. Your back yard looks pretty frostbitten.
I decided to go out into my garden earlier for some random pictures, felt like doing it, even though it was a bit cold:

^ I had that creepy picture from the booklet of Brave Murder Day in mind when I took this. Not as creepy, but nobody's garden is that cool.

^ My not fully awake self

^ A bit cliched, maybe, but I thought it looked nice and Winter-y

I liked how dense that shit looked when i zoomed in

I need to take pictures more often, and get better at it. I didn't buy a camera for nothing, after all.

nice place! mines sadly covered in snow :p


Met "the great cold distance" at Doom Day. I didn't even end up going to the afterparty.. after being too drunk to realise we walked too far up Hindley to find the Enigma Bar we decided to just go back to the hotel instead. Had a great time though I have an interesting story about being stranded in Snowtown today and almost missing the flight home. 40+ degrees and a blown head gasket on the hire car in the desert.. :waah: Until this man who reminded me of the guy from Wolf Creek offered to tow us.