post your pic.....

Best porno line = "Last night I dreamt that my cock was a tri-masted spanish gallion."

Go download or buy the movie Pirates... don't even watch the sex scenes, just watch the story, i promise it will be one of the most entertaining things youll ever see.
Scourge of Malice said:
Best porno line = "Last night I dreamt that my cock was a tri-masted spanish gallion."

Go download or buy the movie Pirates... don't even watch the sex scenes, just watch the story, i promise it will be one of the most entertaining things youll ever see.
I disagree!
The best scene of Pirates is that one the woman points her knife to the Capitain and shout: "LICK IT! LICK IT! LICK IT NOWWW!" and then they have a wild sex.
:oops: :oops: :oops:

We're turning this thread into a porn thread, gosh.