post your pic.....

promises suck!
they make you stick to thoughts you had before and don't allow any freedom!
promises are attempts to become who you want to be,
but when you áre who you want to be, you don't need promises!
i second the motion of having more pics of Disease(or her sister or both) in this forum...

I would say spread the disease...but I just figured out since disease is also a very cute girl this sentence gets a double meaning(you figure it out) I don't want to be seen by the lovely people in this forum as a pervert(even though I really am and who isn't these days) I will refrain from using that sentence...

that's the 5am in me talking
carry on

I'm also single and jewish(that means not only my nose is big);)
im gonna stay out of this "Disease post more pics"... unless she has her eyes closed on the new pics... blue eyes are like a curse to me right now...crap..